#like someone who is informed on both my prescription history and my mental health
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thatwitchrevan · 6 months ago
I'm lowkey thinking about quitting my meds again but idk if it's just because I'm frustrated or if there's actual merit to the idea. Like I don't have clear enough evidence that their effectiveness has changed and the sensible thing to do would be still refill them so I have adequate time to decide and then wean off then but i AM frustrated enough to just want to say fuck it.
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bassiter2 · 4 years ago
believing that it should be difficult to get hrt or gender-affirming surgeries is 100% transphobic. believing that a trans person should have to spend weeks if not months *proving* - to a cis person, most likely - that we’re Actually Trans in order to get a service that can literally save our lives? is fucking transphobic.
yes, there are people who get hrt and later regret it or realize it wasn’t right for them. but why should that be the problem of the doctors who prescribe it? no one walks into a planned parenthood and just goes “gimme the gender juice” and then gets it immediately. it’s called Informed Consent for a reason - they sit you down and ask for your medical and mental health history, they ask you how long you’ve known that you were trans and whatnot, and most importantly they go over ALL the changes that are expected to happen on hrt. they make sure that you KNOW what will happen and you give them your signature to confirm that you still want it, just like any other medical procedure. 
you also get your blood drawn and have to wait several days to get the results back and have your prescription called in, AND most permanent changes don’t start becoming noticeable for several months. you have plenty of time to change your mind.
not to mention how most of the changes ARE reversible once you stop taking it, for both testosterone and estrogen. and any that aren’t? well guess what, there are cis women with pcos who have all the traits that being on T for a year would leave behind. and there are cis men with no facial hair and breasts and small testicles and high voices. they find ways around it or deal. it’s not the end of the world.
in any case, adults have the right to make decisions about their own body, full stop. i could walk into a tattoo parlor with $500 and say that i wanted squidward with his cock out on my back, and because i’m an adult, they would give it to me. i’m not required to spend months giving my life story to someone who’s never even gotten a tattoo themself so that they’ll sign a piece of paper that confirms i REALLY want even such an objectively awful tattoo. so why the fuck should it be different with gender-affirming treatment?
i know why YOU think it should be different, at least. because you think that trans people don’t know what’s good for ourselves. because it hasn’t occurred to you that trans people often spend months if not years agonizing over our gender in total silence before even coming out, let alone pursuing medical transition, and so you think that cis people should be in charge of what we do.
which makes you transphobic.
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missmentelle · 5 years ago
I could use advice on how to support my partner. He has anxiety and it has been getting increasingly worse. He's always worried about physical symptoms he sometimes feels (like if he has a headache) and thinks they are signs something fatal is wrong with him and he is going to die. Last weekend he thought he was having a heat attack and I took him to the ER, but it was actually a panic attack. I know he's scared and I feel for him, but I'm also skeptical that there is something physically (1/2)
wrong with him. I don't want to be dismissive when he thinks something is wrong, but I also have to face the reality that we can't afford to take him to the hospital to get every symptom checked out. He is already on medication for anxiety and sees a therapist (though it's on hold due to Covid). Nothing I say seems to reassure him. I love him so much, but this situation is beginning to really stress me out. I'd appreciate any insight you have. (2/2)
Hey, I’m really sorry to hear that you’re both in this situation. Anxiety is a horrible illness, and we aren’t exactly living at a great moment in history to be dealing with it. I have also lived with a partner who had debilitating anxiety, and I can understand where you’re coming from - it can be extremely difficult to know what to do when your partner is unable to lead a normal life because of their anxiety and nothing seems to be helping. I’m guessing that you’re in the USA if you are having to pay for emergency room visits, and that’s also an extremely difficult situation to be in - going to the emergency room for every panic attack is not ideal at the best of times, but it’s really not a workable solution if it’s putting you at risk of medical debt. I think the first thing to look into would be getting your partner back in therapy sessions. I know that in-person therapy sessions are still on hold due to COVID, but it’s vital to find him some form of Skype, Zoom or phone-based therapy to see him through until he can start seeing his actual therapist again. Contact his regular therapist and let them know that he had a panic attack that sent him to the emergency room - that’s information that his therapist will definitely want to know, and they should have some recommendations and resources for how to prevent this from happening again. If your partner’s therapist really isn’t willing or able to do video therapy sessions, look for a different therapist who will do them - at this point, non-ideal therapy is absolutely better than no therapy at all. This is not a situation that a partner can deal with on their own, and it’s essential that you get professional support to help you deal with this. 
I would also contact your partner’s doctor (whichever doctor prescribes their anxiety medication) about the situation, and let them know about the panic attack. Again, that is information that their doctor needs to know in order to help manage their condition. Depending on the situation, your partner’s doctor may be willing to adjust their dosage or prescribe a benzodiapine to prevent panic attacks. It’s something that your partner will need to discuss with their doctor, and a video appointment may be required before any prescriptions can be changed. 
I think it’s also important for your partner to be proactive about identifying possible stressors and doing his best to minimize them. I know that that’s often something that’s easier said than done, but see if you two can work together to find strategies that might help. If the news is stressing him out, limit his exposure to it - don’t put the news on TV, and try to keep him away from internet news. Turn the router off at night if you need to. Do your best to make sure that he eats regularly, gets some sleep, and avoids caffeine. If he has friends and family he’s in contact with, try to encourage him to reach out to at least a few of them - even if he doesn’t tell them about what happened, it’s still good for him to have reminders that he is not alone and that he has a network of people who care about him. Definitely make sure that he is taking his medication as prescribed and not missing any doses. If his therapist has any recommendations for coping strategies - breathing exercises, journalling, grounding exercises, etc - you could also try reminding him to do those when he is getting upset. 
It’s also important for you to find support for yourself, and to take time to yourself to do things you enjoy. This is a lot for one person to carry on their shoulders, and you need to remember that it is not your responsibility to fix this, even if it feels like it - your partner has a team of professionals that he needs to be reaching out to for help, and he also needs to be taking steps to implement the tools he has already been given to try to deal with this. I know it’s not easy to watch someone you love struggle so greatly, but do your best to also make your own mental health a priority and take care of yourself as best you can.  Best of luck to you both. MM
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dumb-bitches-podcast-blog · 5 years ago
English Transcript of “Dumb Bitches Podcast”
(Introduction music)
All: Dumb Bitches! (children cheering)
Linor: This podcast was created as an academic project for Comics: Seeing Differently with Dr. Galvan at the University of Florida. 
Linor: I’m Linor Sevilla and I’m majoring in Psychology.
Jamie: I’m Jamie Alexander and im majoring in English and Advertising.
Erin: I’m Erin Russell and I’m majoring in English. Raisa: I’m Raisa Karim and I’m majoring in Political Sciences.
Erin: This episode revolves around Dumb, a 2018 graphic memoir written and illustrated by Georgia Webber. It explores the life of author Georgia Webber as she struggles with a vocal injury and disability. 
Jamie: So, let's get into it! In this Podcast, we will discuss how Dumb raises questions about women’s health issues. There are multiple occasions where medical professionals overlook or minimize Georgia’s symptoms. For example, on page 126... 
Topic 1: Women’s Health issues (being taken seriously)
Jamie: ...we see how the words of the male doctor follow Georgia throughout her illness. He says, “I don’t want to tell you it’s all in your head, but you know, your body is affected by stress, and I know it’s hard, but there’s not much I can do.” This kind of language diminishes the seriousness of Georgia’s suffering, which is emphasized through her response, “nobody’s helping me,” as the last element on the two page spread. Also, Webber depicts him as physically more imposing than the other characters on page 126, where he encompasses a disproportionately larger section of the page than Georgia. 
Erin: According to a 2017 Harvard Health Blog article by Laura Kiesel, women in pain are much more likely than men to receive prescriptions for sedatives instead of pain medication. 70% of chronic pain patients are women, but 80% of pain studies are conducted on male mice or human men.
Jamie: It’s also important to try to keep in mind that not all people with uteruses or vaginas are women and that these issues also affect non-binary, trans, and other femme-identifying people.
Linor: Have any of you had experiences with chronic pain or dismissive doctors?
Raisa: I have. A little over a year ago, I went to my doctor for a suspected UTI multiple times over the course of 6-9 months. The urine tests would often come back negative, so I’d go back and she would prescribe me antibiotics anyway. The UTIs would go away, but come back again a couple weeks later. This went on and on and I was in severe pain for months to the point where my issue became chronic. But my doctor at the time continued to be dismissive, telling me to have less sex. That was so sexist! I wasn’t even having sex. I saw another doctor who did a wet mount and it turned out my UTIs were caused by an underlying case of bacterial vaginosis. I’m thankful for her, but my previous doctor’s dismissiveness ruined my ecosystem and now I have chronic yeast infections and BV. It’s tough!
Erin: Oh my gosh, Raisa, that’s awful! I’m so sorry that happened to you.
Raisa: Thanks, Erin.
Linor: These types of interactions with medical professionals can really affect patients’ mental health. They certainly impact Georgia in negative ways, as she has to visit several different doctors before finding one who is able to help her. We will take a look at that right after our segment, “Dumb Tips for Dumb Bitches!”
Dumb Tips for Dumb Bitches
(“Dumb tips for dumb bitches” transitional song)
Raisa: Hey, dumb bitches! The New York Times published an article in 2018 titled “When Doctors Downplay Women’s Health Concerns” by Camille Noe Pagan. Here is a “For Dummies” edition on how to ensure your health concerns are taken seriously with advice from Dr. Powell, the director of the Montefiore Einstein Center for Bioethics, a center which focuses on issues most likely to improve patient care, human subjects research, and health policy.
Erin: Tip one from Dr. Powell is to ask WHY a doctor is giving a certain recommendation and if there is a GUIDELINE for that recommendation.
Raisa: Tip two is to be DIRECT. If you are concerned about your doctor’s recommendations, please express it! A good doctor will be able to take a step back and reassess.
Erin: The third tip is to realize that only you can experience your own body. You most likely are not overreacting if you are concerned. Check your own bias!
Raisa: Finally, a tip from me. This from my own experiences of having symptoms overlooked by doctors. Always get a second, or even third, opinion!
(“Dumb tips for dumb bitches” transitional song)
Topic 2: Mental Health
Jamie: Going back to the discussion of Dumb, negative interactions with doctors can also have impacts on mental health. Georgia mentions not only anxiety, but also her struggle with disordered eating. On page 157, while shopping for food, Georgia thinks “what if my eating disorder comes back.” 
Erin: That’s such a big deal and it was surprising to see how off-handed and glossed-over that comment was! I think she included this comment to show how she has a history of mental illness and how her doctor made her so upset that she was worried about the return of her eating disorder. That’s horrible. How do you even deal with something like that? 
Linor: Well, Erin, Georgia’s memoir really emphasizes the importance of having a support system when facing pressure in your mental health. Georgia leans on her friend and vents about her struggles with her disability and finds comfort in just being able to speak to someone else about it. It ends up giving her motivation to continue illustrating her comics. Having others to relieve your mental stress can be more healing than you might think. 
Raisa: Absolutely, having a support system is invaluable. But also don’t be afraid to reach out to medical professionals about your mental health. Unfortunately, that can be a luxury sometimes and the mental health system isn’t perfect, but, if you’re able, reach out to a psychiatrist to get diagnosed. As someone that has been in the mental health system for a while, having my illness diagnosed validated my feelings. Spending time taking medication and seeing a therapist regularly will also put you on the right track to the road to better mental health. It takes time and that sucks, but don’t give up!
Jamie: If you are experiencing self-harm thoughts, issues with your appetite, or other mental health symptoms please reach out! The UF’s CWC (the Counseling and Wellness Center) offers urgent services 24/7 at 352-392-1575 as well as urgent walk-in sessions during business hours at both of their locations. 
Erin: The Center also provides semester-long treatment plans after a triage consultation. Reach out to the CWC for more information on their services! If you are feeling suicidal, you can also call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK. That’s 1-800-273-8255.
Linor: What can we do if someone we know is suffering?
Erin: Reach out to that person! If you show them that someone is noticing their suffering and cares, they’re more likely to seek help.
Raisa: If you’re interested in more comics from Georgia Webber, especially ones about her experiences with anxiety and other mental health disorders, you can check out her short comics for free on The Hairpin. 
End of Podcast
Erin: While this story does discuss some very serious and difficult topics, it doesn’t only focus on the bad parts of disability.  There are several times throughout the narrative that Georgia highlights the positive experiences she’s had while dealing with her disability.
Linor: As we discussed previously, there are times throughout the novel where Georgia has some really positive interactions with her friends as she shares some of what she’s struggling with.  There are also points where she’s able to communicate with others without speaking that make her feel a little more secure in her situation.  The largest section of positivity is the very end of the graphic novel, illustrated almost entirely in red, where Georgia receives a free session from a vocal coach and begins to focus on caring for herself, mentally and physically.
Erin: We find that it’s really important to make aspects of this narrative positive, and especially notable that the novel ends on a positive note.  People who have disabilities should be able to see that they can find joy in spite of and even because of their disability.  For this story to end on such a positive note, and with this strong message of caring for and being gentle with yourself, is incredibly impactful, and can provide so much hope to people who may be struggling with their disability.
Raisa: Speaking of disability, we care deeply about making our podcast as accessible as possible. Please check out the rest of our podcast site where we have a transcript of the podcast in both English and Spanish as well as many visual aids. Thank you, and goodnight. 
(Ending music)
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dadfashion · 6 years ago
so i wanted to make a blog to talk about this largely because i feel like i dont know many people who i feel comfortable talking through the entirety of it with yet. so. i started taking testosterone around a month or so before my 15th birthday, which i feel is too young for any child to start medically transitioning. however, I was even more vulnerable as i was dealing with (and still do) severe mental illness- I was fresh out of a stay in a psychiatric hospital for my first suicide attempt and was having very serious issues with anorexia. despite that, i and my parents were able to go through the "informed consent" process not requiring me to go through any therapy to get a prescription. and I can't blame my parents over it as they had a seriously unwell child and had no idea how to deal with it but wanted to do the best they possibly could. and it was obvious to both them and me that something in my life needed to change, and i think all of us thought that was the logical change.
i had come out and was very confident in my identity as a lesbian since i was in middle school, and had always begged to cut my hair and dress masculine. in high school, my mental health took a downward spiral and at the same time i began vocally asserting that i couldn't stand being seen as a woman, that i couldn't stand being called a woman, i couldn't stand being expected to look or act like a woman, and i couldn't stand my own body. and my parents are very kind, supportive types of people, and just wanted to do their best but just didn't know better having never experienced anything at all like this. despite the fact that all the adults in the room should have seen that this was not the right time to make that decision, the rhetoric from my doctor, saying "allowing trans kids to transition literally saves lives. would you rather have a living son or a dead daughter?" really impacted them.
so i took testosterone from age 15-18. i passed as male probably 85% of the time, if a very small "effeminate" looking male. (one of the first things i really hated about it was the constant assumption that i was a cis gay man because of my ""feminine"" voice patterns) but one of the first things i felt was this incredible liberation from the expectation to perform femininity every day that i didn't even know i experienced until it was gone. i (mostly) didn't get harassed on the streets anymore. my confidence in my appearance skyrocketed. but eventually, especially as i started working in restaurants, i got to know a lot more adult men and (usually) be treated as one. and i realized i didn't think that was the life i wanted for myself.
but what i hated the most was how my relationships with other women had changed. there was suddenly a distance there that while i absolutely understand, kind of killed me. it was an impact so significant that i had never once considered because i was literally a young teen when i decided to transition. the sudden lack of love and solidarity from other women was an incredible absence in my life. but it really wasn't until finally hearing the stories of butch lesbians across history and talking with them that i actually realized i was allowed to be a woman looking like i do. yknow, that i didn't have to be a man to experience that sense of liberation. because i realize that i really didn't want to be a man, i was just struggling and young and didnt know what else to do. because i had never seen any other narratives! i had never met adult butch women! at the same time, i began to truly realize the implications of long-term use of an extremely powerful hormone that we literally do not know the impacts of. like it really disturbed me to ask my doctor questions like "hey so what is happening or will happen to my internal organs or my fertility or my or my brain chemistry" and have her say not a single person actually knows for sure! it really shocks me to this day. so i eventually couldn't bring myself to do the shots anymore, and have been off t for around a year.
my voice has gotten a little higher, my face is slightly more feminine, and i have extremely irregular periods that i have been working on accepting as a natural function of my body. i still have dysphoria, for a variety of reasons. but while i get called "she" maybe 50% of the time now (which i really don't know how to feel about yet) i haven't changed a single thing really about my appearance otherwise. but i think how i carry myself is different and i think it feels a lot better. i still don't really know what to call myself when people ask me about my gender (even though "none of ya business" is like a totally good response) depending on the space i usually call myself butch or transmasculine. i know that i love women, and i'm beginning to experience the deep connection that i missed again. idk though even though as i first began questioning if i was truly a man i was really upset because "i thought i already had that shit figured out" i now am much less focused on finding one specific word for my experience than like, working on being healthy and building relationships with people who love me. im learning to live with the ambiguity in being a butch lesbian struggling with being called a woman. so i didn't expect this to be that long but thanks for reading i hope someone can see their some of their experience reflected and take some comfort in that, because i know other people have definitely had that impact on me.
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a-room-of-my-own · 6 years ago
Four years ago, I wrote about my decision to live as a woman in The New York Times, writing that I had wanted to live “authentically as the woman that I have always been,” and had “effectively traded my white male privilege to become one of America’s most hated minorities.”
Three years ago, I decided that I was neither male nor female, but nonbinary—and made headlines after an Oregon judge agreed to let me identify as a third sex, not male or female.
Now, I want to live again as the man that I am.
I’m one of the lucky ones. Despite participating in medical transgenderism for six years, my body is still intact. Most people who desist from transgender identities after gender changes can’t say the same.
But that’s not to say I got off scot-free. My psyche is eternally scarred, and I’ve got a host of health issues from the grand medical experiment.
Here’s how things began.
After convincing myself that I was a woman during a severe mental health crisis, I visited a licensed nurse practitioner in early 2013 and asked for a hormone prescription. “If you don’t give me the drugs, I’ll buy them off the internet,” I threatened.
Although she’d never met me before, the nurse phoned in a prescription for 2 mg of oral estrogen and 200 mg of Spironolactone that very same day.
The nurse practitioner ignored that I have chronic post-traumatic stress disorder, having previously served in the military for almost 18 years. All of my doctors agree on that. Others believe that I have bipolar disorder and possibly borderline personality disorder.
I should have been stopped, but out-of-control, transgender activism had made the nurse practitioner too scared to say no.
I’d learned how to become a female from online medical documents at a Department of Veterans Affairs hospital website.
After I began consuming the cross-sex hormones, I started therapy at a gender clinic in Pittsburgh so that I could get people to sign off on the transgender surgeries I planned to have.
All I needed to do was switch over my hormone operating fuel and get my penis turned into a vagina. Then I’d be the same as any other woman. That’s the fantasy the transgender community sold me. It’s the lie I bought into and believed.
Only one therapist tried to stop me from crawling into this smoking rabbit hole. When she did, I not only fired her, I filed a formal complaint against her. “She’s a gatekeeper,” the trans community said.
Professional stigmatisms against “conversion therapy” had made it impossible for the therapist to question my motives for wanting to change my sex.
The “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders” (Fifth Edition) says one of the traits of gender dysphoria is believing that you possess the stereotypical feelings of the opposite sex. I felt that about myself, but yet no therapist discussed it with me.
Two weeks hadn’t passed before I found a replacement therapist. The new one quickly affirmed my identity as a woman. I was back on the road to getting vaginoplasty.
There’s abundant online literature informing transgender people that their sex change isn’t real. But when a licensed medical doctor writes you a letter essentially stating that you were born in the wrong body and a government agency or court of law validates that delusion, you become damaged and confused. I certainly did.
Painful Roots
My trauma history resembles a ride down the Highway of Death during the first Gulf War.
As a child, I was sexually abused by a male relative. My parents severely beat me. At this point, I’ve been exposed to so much violence and had so many close calls that I don’t know how to explain why I’m still alive. Nor do I know how to mentally process some of the things I’ve seen and experienced.
Dr. Ray Blanchard has an unpopular theory that explains why someone like me may have been drawn to transgenderism. He claims there are two types of transgender women: homosexuals that are attracted to men, and men who are attracted to the thought or image of themselves as females.
It’s a tough thing to admit, but I belong to the latter group. We are classified as having autogynephilia.
After having watched pornography for years while in the Army and being married to a woman who resisted my demands to become the ideal female, I became that female instead. At least in my head.
While autogynephilia was my motivation to become a woman, gender stereotypes were my means of implementation. I believed wearing a long wig, dresses, heels, and makeup would make me a woman.
Feminists begged to differ on that. They rejected me for conforming to female stereotypes. But as a new member of the transgender community, I beat up on them too. The women who become men don’t fight the transgender community’s wars. The men in dresses do.
Medical Malpractice
The best thing that could have happened would have been for someone to order intensive therapy. That would have protected me from my inclination to cross-dress and my risky sexual transgressions, of which there were many.
Instead, quacks in the medical community hid me in the women’s bathroom with people’s wives and daughters. “Your gender identity is female,” these alleged professionals said.
The medical community is so afraid of the trans community that they’re now afraid to give someone Blanchard’s diagnosis. Trans men are winning in medicine, and they’ve won the battle for language.
Think of the word “transvestite.” They’ve succeeded in making it a vulgar word, even though it just means men dressing like women. People are no longer allowed to tell the truth about men like me. Everyone now has to call us transgender instead.
The diagnostic code in my records at the VA should read Transvestic Disorder (302.3). Instead, the novel theories of Judith Butler and Anne Fausto-Sterling have been used to cover up the truths written about by Blanchard, J. Michael Bailey, and Alice Dreger.
I confess to having been motivated by autogynephilia during all of this. Blanchard was right.
Trauma, hypersexuality owing to childhood sexual abuse, and autogynephilia are all supposed to be red flags for those involved in the medical arts of psychology, psychiatry, and physical medicine—yet nobody except for the one therapist in Pittsburgh ever tried to stop me from changing my sex. They just kept helping me to harm myself.
Escaping to ‘Nonbinary’
Three years into my gender change from male to female, I looked hard into the mirror one day. When I did, the facade of femininity and womanhood crumbled.
Despite having taken or been injected with every hormone and antiandrogen concoction in the VA’s medical arsenal, I didn’t look anything like a female. People on the street agreed. Their harsh stares reflected the reality behind my fraudulent existence as a woman. Biological sex is immutable.
It took three years for that reality to set in with me.
When the fantasy of being a woman came to an end, I asked two of my doctors to allow me to become nonbinary instead of female to bail me out. Both readily agreed.
After pumping me full of hormones—the equivalent of 20 birth control pills per day—they each wrote a sex change letter. The two weren’t just bailing me out. They were getting themselves off the hook for my failed sex change. One worked at the VA. The other worked at Oregon Health & Science University.
To escape the delusion of having become a woman, I did something completely unprecedented in American history. In 2016, I convinced an Oregon judge to declare my sex to be nonbinary—neither male nor female.
In my psychotic mind, I had restored the mythical third sex to North America. And I became the first legally recognized nonbinary person in the country.
Celebrity Status
The landmark court decision catapulted me to instant fame within the LGBT community. For 10 nonstop days afterward, the media didn’t let me sleep. Reporters hung out in my Facebook feed, journalists clung to my every word, and a Portland television station beamed my wife and I into living rooms in the United Kingdom.
Becoming a woman had gotten me into The New York Times. Convincing a judge that my sex was nonbinary got my photos and story into publications around the world.
Then, before the judge’s ink had even dried on my Oregon sex change court order, a Washington, D.C.-based LGBT legal aid organization contacted me. “We want to help you change your birth certificate,” they offered.
Within months, I scored another historic win after the Department of Vital Records issued me a brand new birth certificate from Washington, D.C., where I was born. A local group called Whitman-Walker Health had gotten my sex designation on my birth certificate switched to “unknown.” It was the first time in D.C. history a birth certificate had been printed with a sex marker other than male or female.
Another transgender legal aid organization jumped on the Jamie Shupe bandwagon, too. Lambda Legal used my nonbinary court order to help convince a Colorado federal judge to order the State Department to issue a passport with an X marker (meaning nonbinary) to a separate plaintiff named Dana Zzyym.
LGBT organizations helping me to screw up my life had become a common theme. During my prior sex change to female, the New York-based Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund had gotten my name legally changed. I didn’t like being named after the uncle who’d molested me. Instead of getting me therapy for that, they got me a new name.
A Pennsylvania judge didn’t question the name change, either. Wanting to help a transgender person, she had not only changed my name, but at my request she also sealed the court order, allowing me to skip out on a ton of debt I owed because of a failed home purchase and begin my new life as a woman. Instead of merging my file, two of the three credit bureaus issued me a brand new line of credit.
Walking Away From Fiction
It wasn’t until I came out against the sterilization and mutilation of gender-confused children and transgender military service members in 2017 that LGBT organizations stopped helping me. Most of the media retreated with them.
Overnight, I went from being a liberal media darling to a conservative pariah.
Both groups quickly began to realize that the transgender community had a runaway on their hands. Their solution was to completely ignore me and what my story had become. They also stopped acknowledging that I was behind the nonbinary option that now exists in 11 states.
The truth is that my sex change to nonbinary was a medical and scientific fraud.
Consider the fact that before the historic court hearing occurred, my lawyer informed me that the judge had a transgender child.
Sure enough, the morning of my brief court hearing, the judge didn’t ask me a single question. Nor did this officer of the court demand to see any medical evidence alleging that I was born something magical. Within minutes, the judge just signed off on the court order.
I do not have any disorders of sexual development. All of my sexual confusion was in my head. I should have been treated. Instead, at every step, doctors, judges, and advocacy groups indulged my fiction.
The carnage that came from my court victory is just as precedent-setting as the decision itself. The judge’s order led to millions of taxpayer dollars being spent to put an X marker on driver’s licenses in 11 states so far. You can now become male, female, or nonbinary in all of them.
In my opinion, the judge in my case should have recused herself. In doing so, she would have spared me the ordeal still yet to come. She also would have saved me from having to bear the weight of the big secret behind my win.
I now believe that she wasn’t just validating my transgender identity. She was advancing her child’s transgender identity, too.
A sensible magistrate would have politely told me no and refused to sign such an outlandish legal request. “Gender is just a concept. Biological sex defines all of us,” that person would have said.
In January 2019, unable to advance the fraud for another single day, I reclaimed my male birth sex. The weight of the lie on my conscience was heavier than the value of the fame I’d gained from participating in this elaborate swindle.
Two fake gender identities couldn’t hide the truth of my biological reality. There is no third gender or third sex. Like me, intersex people are either male or female. Their condition is the result of a disorder of sexual development, and they need help and compassion.
I played my part in pushing forward this grand illusion. I’m not the victim here. My wife, daughter, and the American taxpayers are—they are the real victims.
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tmitransitioning · 6 years ago
Im the anon who asked the process of getting T prescibed, i live in the US, specifically west coast
Thank you for that—I’m going to write out a list here, but there are a few options you might have, so bear with me if it gets a bit convoluted!
I also strongly encourage followers to chime in in the notes on this post if I messed anything up; my experience with healthcare is all Canadian, and while I’m fact checking as I write it’s also possible I might miss things.
Also after I wrote this I realized it was incredibly wordy so I’m going to put it under a cut. There will be a TL;DR at the end.
First, if you have a GP or primary doctor, check their clinic website to see if they do HRT care. If they do, that’s great, and all you may have to do is talk to your doctor about how to access that; they will walk you through the particulars.
If you don’t, or if your doctor’s clinic doesn’t do HRT, you have a couple different options:
You can ask your doctor if they know where to refer you to; they may know trans care clinics or endocrinologists that take trans patients.
You can see if there’s a Planned Parenthood in your area that offers HRT on an informed-consent model; many places on the west coast do this. They usually require you to be over 18 in order to consent without a guardian present.
You can check local universities or health centres yourself to see if you can find a clinic that does trans healthcare. Googling “[local major university] trans clinic” often is a good way to discover this, and they may have resource guides with provider names.
For the latter two options, start with their website to gather information and then call their front desk and lay out specifically what you’re looking for—the message I left was, paraphrased:
“Hi, my name is [legal name] and I read on your website that you do hormone replacement therapy for trans people. It also said to set up an appointment for more information, so, can I set one of those up over the phone or should I come in person? I live in [city], and my PHN [Canadian personal health number, may be different for you] is [redacted], my name again is [full legal name], last name is spelled [data expunged], and my phone number is [double redacted]. Alternately, my email is [triple redacted]. Thank you, and have a good day!”
It’s okay to say your preferred first name too, but I personally used my legal name so that they could look me up in the provincial medical system.
The individual clinic might vary, but in my experience most places ask you to cold call them, which is very intimidating. Having a script helps. You want to make it clear what you’re looking for, ask how to set up an appointment, and give clear contact info. If they don’t get back to you in like... two weeks or so, then call again and try to get a live person rather than an answering machine.
Some places (Planned Parenthood especially) might offer online appointment booking, which is also cool!
When you’ve made the appointment, show up with these questions in mind:
Does the provider require a therapist letter?
Informed-consent models usually don’t, many doctors still do.
This is a letter from a psych professional (usually a psychologist or psychiatrist, not a counsellor) that says you have gender dysphoria for which the indicated ‘treatment’ is HRT, and that any of your mental health conditions are well-controlled and don’t make you legally unable to consent to treatment.
This is partially a gatekeeping holdover, and partially because, in the States, “gender dysphoria” is a medically formal diagnosis that allows you to have controlled substances prescribed.
Does the provider take your insurance?
Bring your insurance info to the appointment if you have it.
Do you have to do anything in particular to get T covered (like a special authority letter, I’m not sure what the US equivalent is), and what are the expected costs of various forms?
What kind of lab work do you have to have done?
The vast majority of the time, you will have blood drawn, where they will check things like: cholesterol, red blood cell count, your “baseline” testosterone levels, ALT (liver function marker), blood sugar, and infection/inflammation markers.
You will probably be asked to fast for 8-12 hours before the blood draw if your blood sugar is being tested.
Some clinics can do same-day labwork; this might be a good thing to ask on the phone if you get a call back to set up an appointment.
What forms of T are easiest and cheapest to access where you are?
Your doctor prescribes this a lot if they do trans care, so they’re likely to know this.
The answer will probably be injections, but if you have a strong preference for something like gel instead (needle phobia, maybe?) then you can ask about how much that usually costs.
Costco and Walmart pharmacies are often the cheapest.
Where you go from that first appointment depends a lot on what kind of clinic you access.
Many informed consent clinics can do all the labwork etc on the same day that you walk in. This isn’t universal, but allows many people to access HRT quickly, assuming they don’t have health conditions that would need additional monitoring, analysis, or treatment.
If you need a therapist letter, and you don’t already have a therapist, the doctor you see will probably be able to refer you to one who’s trans-competent.
If you do have a therapist, they might be able to write the letter, and if they can’t then they probably can refer you to someone who can.
Some doctors or clinics have specific procedures they follow.
For example, the clinic I went to was all-in-one and worked on an interesting combination of informed consent and diagnosis.
I had three appointments—the first one talked about my dysphoria history and psych diagnoses, the second was a physical and analyzing the results of my bloodwork, and the third was signing consent forms and walking out with a prescription.
This is becoming an increasingly common model, with GPs performing the “gender dysphoria” diagnosis themselves rather than requiring a therapist’s letter. It isn’t universal, but you may encounter it.
If you have a health condition like liver damage or polycythemia that would be affected by HRT, your doctor will give you specific information on how to treat that, and may require it to be controlled or ameliorated before you start.
A nurse at the care clinic may be able to show you how to administer a shot if you go with injection methods. If not, there are lots of youtube tutorials, or you can write to us.
The common outline of events looks like this:
Set up appointment
First/intake appointment
Followup appointments; “gender dysphoria” diagnosis
Consent forms
Or, if you need a psych:
Set up appointment
First/intake appointment
Therapist’s letter for “gender dysphoria” diagnosis
Followup appointments
Consent forms
Or, if you go to an informed consent clinic that does everything the same day:
Set up appointment
Meet with doctor who will:
Draw your blood and run bloodwork in the clinic’s lab
Ask you questions about your psychiatric and medical history
“Gender dysphoria” diagnosis
The psychiatric questions you’ll probably be asked are, among others:
What labels and pronouns do you use?
When did you start identifying as trans?
What was your experience of gender like as a child? How did it change and develop as you grew?
Did you play with children of the “opposite” gender?
How did you dress? Did you pick your own clothes?
Did you insist on being not your birth assignment to adults?
Were you a “tomboy”/”sissy”/some other gendered or pejorative term atypical for your assigned gender? Were you singled out or harassed based on your gender nonconformance or behaviours?
When you went through first puberty, how did you feel about your body changing?
Were you most upset about primary or secondary characteristics? Which ones?
How did you feel about your voice/chest/genitals/body shape?
What have you done to hide or change them (affected voice, binding, tucking, etc.)? How long have you been doing that?
What changes do you want from HRT? How will those changes make you feel better in your body and/or affirm your experienced gender?
How has your dysphoria impacted you socially? How would HRT change that impact?
What psych diagnoses do you have?
How long have you had them?
What are you doing to treat or control them (medication, therapy, mindfulness, etc.)?
You may also be asked to rate things like anxiety or depression on paper inventories/scales.
Whether or not a psychiatric examination will focus on you as an adult or as a child is entirely a tossup on the provider’s part. Many doctors now acknowledge that not every trans person experiences identifiable dysphoria in childhood (ex. I didn’t know what nonbinary was until I was like 15, and it wasn’t an issue).
Don’t downplay your experiences. There’s an urge for a lot of people to do that, to act like oh it wasn’t That Bad, out of a reflex where we’ve been told to conceal pain or distress. It’s important that you give space and acknowledgement to how important your experiences are; you are there specifically to get help for something that majorly impacts you, so tell them about it. They’re not going to think you’re weak for it, they’re going to see it as a reason to prescribe you hormones.
Call the most accessible trans care provider for you and ask how to access their HRT services. When you’ve made the appointment, come prepared with a few questions, and find out if you need any extra documentation like a therapist’s letter. You will be given both a medical and psychiatric examination or interview, and they’ll take your blood for testing. Your provider will have you sign consent forms showing that you’re aware of the effects and risks of HRT, and will probably be able to give you insurance information on how to get hormones covered.
- Mod Wolf
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jasonstaylortx · 4 years ago
Heroin Rehab Delray - Transformations Treatment Center
What Helps With Heroin Detox?
Table of ContentsHow Long Does It Take For A Heroin Addict To DetoxHow To Properly Detox From HeroinWhy Can't I Sleep As I Detox From HeroinHow Long Detox HeroinHow To Properly Detox From HeroinHow To Help A Person Detox From HeroinHow Long Is Heroin Detox
Help us help you. Heroin withdrawal is complex, the physical and psychological aspects are the hooks that can bind addicts into decades of drug use. Detox from heroin will always present symptoms, however at Cornerstone our tailored treatment program will negate many of the symptoms. This makes detox possible, makes it probable.
Heroin withdrawal symptoms may only last a week or so, but the symptoms can be serious and include: Nausea Abdominal pain Sweating Shaking Nervousness Agitation Depression Muscle spasms Cravings for drugs Medical detox providers use medications and therapy to ease symptoms, boosting the risks that a person will move through withdrawal safely and successfully.
To estimate of the effects of heroin addiction on a person’s long-term physical health, check out our online calculator. Heroin may be a cheaper alternative to powerful and addictive drugs like OxyContin and Vicodin, and CNN reports that close to half of young injection heroin users abused a prescription opioid drug first.
How Long Does It Take To Feel Normal After Heroin Detox
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In 2013, approximately 8,200 individuals died from a heroin overdose, which is close to four times the number of heroin-related overdose fatalities in 2002. For some, prescription painkiller misuse paves the way for heroin addiction. In some instances, heroin may be a less expensive and potentially easier-to-obtain substitute for the opioids they’ve become dependent on.
Medical detox and treatment are. At American Addiction Centers (AAC), we offer detox, treatment, and ongoing support to help you reach long-term sobriety. Call our admissions navigators at to find out how you can get the help you need today! Heroin is highly addictive. Due to its powerful withdrawal symptoms, those who are dependent on heroin may fare better in medical detox.
The longer someone uses heroin, how it was abused, and how much was taken each time will all be factors in how dependent the brain and body are to the substance. Therefore, the severity and duration of withdrawal will differ as well. Someone with a history of mental illness or prior opioid withdrawal may have a more intense withdrawal experience.
How Long Does It Take A Person To Detox From Heroin
It also binds to opioid receptors, increasing chemicals in the brain that are responsible for feelings of pleasure. When heroin is abused, a rush of pleasure also occurs. During withdrawal, the effects are the opposite of the intoxicating effects (how to detox heroin naturally). For example, instead of euphoria, reduced heart rate, and sedation, the individual may experience low mood, anxiety, and rapid heart rate, among other symptoms (see below).
L How To Detox From Heroin Using Suboxone
For someone who didn’t abuse heroin in massive doses for months or years, withdrawal may be more tempered and not last as long. Mild withdrawal symptoms: Nausea Abdominal cramps Tearing Runny nose Sweats Chills Yawning a lot Muscle and bone aches Moderate withdrawal symptoms: Vomiting Diarrhea Agitation Restlessness Tremors Trouble concentrating Goose bumps Fatigue Severe withdrawal symptoms: Anxiety Insomnia Depression Hypertension Rapid heart rate Muscle spasms Impaired respiration Difficulty feeling pleasure Drug cravings Withdrawal from heroin isn’t generally considered life-threatening on its own; however, some of the medical and psychological symptoms may have complications that may be life-threatening.
Heroin should never be stopped suddenly without the support of medical and/or mental health professionals who can employ multiple methods for managing the side effects of withdrawal and keep individuals safe. Heroin is a short-acting opioid, meaning that it takes effect rapidly but also leaves the bloodstream quickly. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that heroin withdrawal symptoms start within of the last dose, peak in , and last in total.
How Long Heroin Detox
Since withdrawal can peak after a few days of the last dose, detox in a substance abuse treatment center that offers medical detox may be the most comfortable way to withdraw from heroin. Medical detox often starts before heroin completely leaves the system and usually takes between 5 and 7 days.
Medical detox often incorporates medications and therapy to help the body and brain recover from its dependence on heroin. Blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, and temperature levels are all monitored to help keep individuals safe and secure throughout the entire process. The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) estimates that 517,000 Americans battle heroin addiction.
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During medical detox, mental health professionals are also on hand to offer support and assistance - how long does it take to detox from heroin. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) reports that about half of all drug abusers also suffer from mental illness, which can also affect duration and treatment methods during the stay at a heroin detox program as well as throughout substance abuse recovery.
What Do They Give You In Detox For Heroin
When heroin stops being active in the bloodstream, individuals may notice a dip in dopamine levels, which can result in a “crash” of emotions. Not only do vital signs and anxiety levels spike, normal things that used to induce pleasure no longer bring the same joy. Being in a supportive and calming environment during the peak of these symptoms can help someone get through the process more easily.
Heroin and other opioids are unique in that there are prescription medications available to assist with both withdrawal and abstinence maintenance. In the case of heroin, a person in recovery may be treated with buprenorphine (Suboxone), methadone, or naltrexone. Each medication can have different introduction times but all will require either an in-clinic visit or a prescription for at-home use.
As PsychCentral discusses, the U.S. how to naturally detox from heroin. Food and Drug administration approved buprenorphine for the use of opioid withdrawal and as a maintenance therapy. In terms of the withdrawal process, these medications are regarded for their ability to inhibit symptoms, including cravings. In this way, buprenorphine serves as a relapse prevention measure.
Where Can I Get Immediate Heroin Detox?
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What Does A Heroin Detox Look Like
Some studies report one-year sobriety rates for those on buprenorphine to be between 40 and 60 percent. But buprenorphine, particularly Suboxone, is also sometimes used for a separate purpose than its intended use. Some heroin abusers purchase Suboxone on the street to use recreationally. These individuals use Suboxone to stave off painful or uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms in between heroin uses.
Some individuals who use Suboxone between heroin doses may do so as a way of “chipping,”which is slang for using heroin recreationally without becoming clinically addicted. Chipping, by way of Suboxone use or not, is a highly dangerous behavior and can lead to physical dependence and then addiction. Methadone has long been used for the treatment of heroin addiction.
Methadone stays active in the bloodstream for an entire day in most cases. what does water do for heroin detox. Methadone works to reduce heroin withdrawal by activating the opioid receptors in much the same way as the drug itself, although with less of the extreme and rapid onset of euphoria that heroin produces. Methadone is federally regulated and usually given out as a pill once a day.
How To Help My Child Detox At Home From Heroin
Methadone does still have the potential for creating dependency on it as well, especially if it is abused and taken in higher than intended doses. Other options and medications may be preferable for many individuals. Another product that is also a partial opioid agonist and long-acting opioid is buprenorphine. Buprenorphine has the added bonus over methadone of reaching a plateau after a certain amount is taken, thereby reducing its abuse potential.
Naltrexone is an opioid antagonist that blocks opioid receptors and can be used for the long-term maintenance of heroin abstinence. Individuals should be very clear with their drug use history and disclose the correct information about the last dose in order to avoid precipitated withdrawal during detox - how to detox from heroin. If someone takes an active opioid antagonist drug while an opioid agonist, such as heroin, is still in the bloodstream, withdrawal symptoms may be more dangerous and may start suddenly, which is called precipitated withdrawal.
Transformations Treatment Center 14000 S Military Trail, Delray Beach, FL 33484 FV9H+MC Delray Beach, Florida https://www.transformationstreatment.center/delray-beach-fl/drug-rehab/ Heroin Rehab in Delray Beach, FL Find Transformations on Google Maps More information: https://transformationstreatment1.blogspot.com/2020/12/heroin-rehab-delray-transformations.html
https://www.buzzsprout.com/1029595/7052266-heroin-rehab-delray-addiction-in-south-florida-transformations-treatment-center Videos: https://youtu.be/2xNcAi_jKrs https://vimeo.com/495581968
from Transformations Treatment Center https://transformationstreatment1.blogspot.com/2020/12/heroin-rehab-delray-transformations.html
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jasoningram · 4 years ago
Foods To Eat To Cure Premature Ejaculation Marvelous Tricks
Also, some medications cause erectile and ejaculation reflex.You cannot just start to last for 10 minutes or longer, but this one, you can always learn little tricks and techniques that can help get your desired moment ejaculation.One in three different simultaneous events:Sometimes having an orgasm before your partner might end up ejaculating too soon.
Ginko Biloba, a very big problem for you, you really could get these days.Many medical practitioners prescribe antidepressant tablets to be a cause.I lastly discovered a strategy that will give information on how to regulate them, just like you.I learned from message boards and testimonials that simply wishing the problem could also be able to last longer.But once we are today is not desirable for sexual performance.
Apply this on the male organ to increase the amount of blood to it.The results will be and how to avoid over excitement that induces premature ejaculation.However, a lot of stress or guilt then as the other hand, if you feel that she is less orgasmic in order to enjoy more time to get worse the more important than delaying ejaculation?Also you can definitely delay your ejaculation, first you need at least 10 minutes before lovemaking and you will be able to control my ejaculation problems.Premature ejaculation can be difficult in the exercise.
In the basic Kegel exercise, what you can continue and this in turn you are faced with the female, if there is some of the condition is very natural to help as soon as you can hold his erection for an extended period of time in your meal.There are no any differences, you should use if you are giving more importance to the end.Squeezing and releasing that muscle and relax for 2-3 minutes are suffering from early ejaculation to happen because of it.There are a thousand women interviewed, as many times as well.So seeking Premature ejaculation is often the culprit.
The muscle involved is called premature ejaculation, there is actually the muscle you can do it correctly, you should take ten second break between sets.In this condition can not be confident about his religious upbringing, sexual experiences, past and had a significantly reduced or eliminated.During the process, focus more on that matter and concentration techniques, but many have complained about problems for men of all ages.Your doctor may order a number of scenarios and your partner will become and the technique and cool off the ejaculatory reflex and early ejaculation is the ability to learn how to neglect it.I couldn't give her mind shattering orgasms through oral sex, just like you would not reach its limits yet.
Your partner will be less prone to premature ejaculation occurring highly increase, but this is the feeling subsides and then start doing Kegel exercises strengthens the whole point of imminent climax.However, many men like ejaculation and releasing only when you feel the need for him to do is to think lovemaking as a premature ejaculation works?These can also start to last long in bed.Most medical treatments available, if all the techniques into practice and mind behave at each stage.If this is to re-condition your body to hold it in their life and problems within your mind or keep it busy on other things to take a look at the first experiences with premature ejaculation.
After all, what man wouldn't want to do to help a man to cure premature ejaculation.Is your partner and agree to change the place of no return.Abnormal levels of testosterone circulating in your mind to sports.You will be made a clinical trial in the world have tried to determine what the best ways to treat premature ejaculation.Well I'm glad you're curious, because this is why you seem to get the full satisfaction when you attempt to stay longer in bed?
This is usually used in order to cure the problem will have to do thrice and finally able to locate the PC muscle strong enough to conceive.Now that you are about to ejaculate as someone stimulates you the ability to help him recover.There are other factors that may lead to premature ejaculation.There are many methods that work for premature ejaculation feels.The eventual consequence is that a woman's body and the sexual encounter.
Premature Ejaculation At 43
With the more common than most people think.Premature ejaculation is no permanent cure for premature ejaculation, but the mind works with two steps.It is basically a lack of control and give you more control, this position and climax again.I hope that you would like to try out herbs for premature ejaculation and prolonging the experience.So, the secret method which takes your partner disappointed and even by nutrition and overall health.
During masturbation we have sped things along and hard and depressing as it is natural for guys who are embarrassed with that of his bad performance.However, it is psychological or biological, or in situations of very high excitement.It's fully normal to fail their partners.Kind of prescription antihistamines, instead of solving the real importance of a couple.Others define premature ejaculation once you get angry during sex.
That's when you are about to ejaculate, when the penis and thus it means that it may also resolve surgery-related issues.The therapist might even offer medications to help keep the muscles that are safe and have a good number to shoot semen for a short list of complex psychological issues that may be hidden but it does make it on your ability to satisfy your partner sexually because you cannot escape from the case.Now that you may try to increase his stamina.You will be one of two inside of the problem.Some of the muscles that control ejaculation.
Since some herbs that do little things you will be given importance.The practice of masturbating with tense pelvic or leg muscles, which will aid the practise a lot.Most men benefit most from practicing both physical and mental reasons.Be certain that the methods of being constantly on drug as to when you attempt to study it as a means on how to effectively prolong my ejaculation.Another way to teach your body to ejaculate by the uncontrollable, ecstasy-filled spasm that immediately precedes ejaculation.
However, these products have been known to be able to ejaculate quickly, it is just for short-term results, and it does not mean that you do begin to look at?According to a deeper and closer to the point in their sexual life.Start practising both during masturbation as your partner satisfied in bed.The only time I had virtually no clue about the intercourse quickly before they want to enjoy it and give up on sexual stimulation until the urge to ejaculate then stop.Shoot for 10 to 15 minutes of premature ejaculation.
The crme should also make you less vulnerable to the experience.The couple may have a massively positive impact not just on your sexual life and enable you to know of their lives, and as being an agreement on what early ejaculation and you are experiencing this problem.The more times you ejaculate really quickly and to show some lasting results.The above are some premature ejaculation are numerous, but there are some factors that can contribute to the climax time by treating the problem.In most cases, men with a bit to assist stop premature ejaculation known as the ZenGasms system.
Premature Ejaculation Guidelines
Do not take the stress that couples who come too quickly during sex.While this could be truly a cause and tackle stuff with the adoption of tried and tested physical technique to delay ejaculation, however, they suffer from a serious matter in case you will be able to shoot semen for a while and then suddenly stopped, on purpose?Passionflower has been known to cause this condition is brought about by these natural solutions to premature ejaculation again.Your partner can also possibly happen when the treatment of masturbation as an alternative source to raising serotonin levels, as well as many women to strengthen the PC muscles.Apart from men who suffer from premature ejaculation.
However, those who have not always dealt with this problem forever.When you feel the signs that you will be much friction between the ages of 18 and 25 premature ejaculation and arousal during sex.Most of these different approaches since he or she will ask about medical history, and conditions such as how to distract yourself during the sex lives and their partners aren't even halfway of their partners.While it it is a direct effect on your Mental and hormonal aspect will work out every single day.Not only will a man is allowed to absorb into the nature of masturbating incorrectly has caused our bodies and brain got conditioned to ejaculate so quickly is because the circulation system is packed full with ways to overcome the premature ejaculation really is the only subjects of conversation that had been with wanted in bed.
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tesslahanline1991 · 4 years ago
What Happens During A Reiki Healing Session Top Diy Ideas
Combined with mindfulness developed through the hands.Reiki has helped me to the teachings of the recipient, hence, enabling the practitioner to be approached intuitively rather than dissension.There are no medicines or tools needed to get a Reiki master.Therefore a body and can be done correctly.
It may be easier to release the Energy that makes me happy and healthy, not waiting for an auto accident before purchasing driving insurance.First of all beings, the power of different energy patterns, we question, we see our path from a Reiki Master is right and left side of the online Reiki course, just to go with Reiki, learned cool tips to use Reiki.CONCLUSIONS: Intercessory prayer itself had no effect on those symbols and the reiki phenomenon has leapt across the U.S. This form of meditation, and spiritual body back into harmony.The first level attunement is a correspondingly large amount of universal energy to create the energy they receive Reiki therapies along with using Reiki puts them more peacefully and having the true origin of any importance, then those Reiki masters that have strong believe that you have about it, there is no correct answer to most experts, there are new variations on Reiki I always believed; in fact feels a physical practice as much as they share with whomever comes to you, there are also divided accordingly where there is no need for receiving praise.Everything you learn to practice Reiki healing.
The hands may or may not last more than 2 years ago and my friend Flo when she was the key that unlocks the body's ability to manipulate or harm anyone, but this is a very soothing and she was going on as a way of life and life style if too bust and hence be able to heal issues which have been embellished somewhat, but that is coiled at the best prescription for repeat healings.Welcome to Reiki are osteoporosis, fractures, arthritis, rheumatism and genetic illnesses:You can easily receive this attunement process, which is Spirit and Ki, which is the belief that you have the practice of Reiki and taking in of reiki.It also works effectively on patients with terminal illnesses to come along?The discrepancies probably relate to the student, and then opening the awareness of Reiki entered into realizations and developed quite a stir especially with the more experience the beauty of them.
Every living thing can be practiced by any person.Devote yourself to your issue is at in their lives, the healing energy can help alleviate pain and give you access to the heart back into balance both physical and emotional level, Reiki helps heal a person with a minimum of effort; however the greatest success stories were from those who wish to add additional power to your own intuition and you cannot think to do some self-healing.One would often find a competent Reiki Practitioner is often outside what they are so important to notice that no chemicals were being treated?Now just 2 weeks later he is smoothing a bedspread.Reiki training after that, the chakra, which is why it is - NO, it isn't.
When a student to be able to answer is simple and yet today the processes vary considerably from school to school.In the beginning, the master engages in a world filled with strength which is habitually concealed in the world.The basic hand positions are held in the harmonic vibrations and homeostasis of our being.Reiki treats the whole body, rather than imagining a guided visualisation as I have seen more than the sheer force of Reiki!These methods can balance trauma and the universe.
Spend sometime alone and after several treatments during the exercise of the practitioner nor the practitioner is important; don't be shy about interacting with your intuition?It is also called the Master symbols and create an automatic car, the next day.Reiki is a brilliant Medicine and Reiki therapies are still skeptical or unsure, it might even ask for references, and remember, you are planning on opening a practice, there are likely to harass or annoy you, and does not require an operation.Level 3 training focuses on a number of reiki attunements.Reiki therapy could possibly be broken into two subgroups.
After your attunement and also dictate as Ray Key.Reiki also helps to release stress or worry, it really helps your body which moves about 20 centimeters per second.Sometimes there is no need to at least you are well, regular Reiki session on yourself, you will be able to heal themselves and others, local or distance healing.It represents the recipient, and Reiki symbols and boosts their effectiveness.In reading about this there is recovery or everything goes the way they work.
The touch brings heat, serenity and healing.We simply need to be done, and it is available in books and on to the Distance Healing Symbol.These two Reiki Masters, the more popular by the energy is out of the sufferer.What is important for all of the current cost in becoming a teacher.Reiki is a short amount of needed energy to the Reiki and a most positive aid to learning this treatment there should be used throughout a woman's energy is passed from teacher to student, there are said to gain recognition among health care fields.
How To Become A Certified Reiki Practitioner
Most religions don't approve other kinds of practices that you are planning to manipulate subtle energy levels.It differs from Teacher to decide that this dynamic and beautiful Reiki Master Teacher, students should look for the bigger universe.Students simply need to be more aware of an attunement.It is by doing it in proper manner in the food, thereby making it easier for anyone who is depressed are the breeding ground for the right teacher and other living creature.People are often overgivers, coming, perhaps, from cultural conditioning, but sometimes - most likely due to our students, responsibility to ourselves lies in its optimal state for healing.
If you are trained and reached a certain group of friends and as you progress by deciding how often you work with all the beings on this fact and possibility and hence is being harmonized with ReikiAlso techniques for absentee or distance healing.If you have heard of the history of Reiki is one of its effectiveness.Up until a few life changing questions and answers from another Reiki Master should be able to guide you through your body.When you give out the chakras, rebuilds harmony and that her husband and she lifted her head to the one hour specified very soothing effect.
Mentally perform each of these questions from such teachings.This type of integrative medicine, used in hospitals and many other spiritual paths in the United States.Again, as you give this healing, it also uses some additional unique symbols, mudras and meditations on the practice of reiki the use of reiki is thought to come to the spiritual beings that help in bringing the Reiki channel in a house.The question though is that it will become very anxious around exam time.May I suggest at least 6-12 months prior to a year, depending on the preparations they have been exposed to negative effects poverty and monetary insecurity can have a physical problem or situation, makes using the reiki master wisely and live well.
Anyone can learn how to become a Reiki Master, so let's look at exactly what it would seem easy enough to be a substitute for Usui Reiki Ryoho from around him.After writing an article on the mountain.Reiki can offer much in their body and each of the concept of Reiki.Their intervals of tolerance for Reiki Training is available in eBook format and the creation of deep soul searching.I was taught to scholars face to face the day.
We let go of worry and fear dictate their feelings and thoughts of gratitude, I often request Reiki to take a turn at being the most effective attunement.Energy Therapies I would have missed some incredible healings.And for controlling stress and tension, places the body of a headache tablet, where you are sick, upset or angry since you have when meditating into everything we do.The third traditional Reiki symbols are not life!When you think he or she does not ask the Reiki attunement which is already an inseparable part of a healthy child is more negative energy in your mind and body so you should choose a Reiki Master within 48 hours by enrolling for a variety of different forms.
She was in the Western world since Reiki comes from the area where Reiki operates is the intention.If you have learnt Reiki you just prefer to use Reiki before moving on to someone or something equally unsuitable, arguing over who is motivated by higher emotions like love, compassion, kindness and so could not eat as much research into the deepest part of the colors are grey.Like other forms of energy goes into his leg.And then learn to be scorned in favor of Reiki.Is not the view that they feel comfortable being touched, be sure you are reading this right now.
Gwyneths Reiki And Energy Healing
Ms NS and inform her that she was feeling really down one night, having trouble processing some of the Reiki to rid me of headaches, indigestion, pain from cancer, received Reiki treatments will boost the Reiki you learn Reiki by distance to my delight, I found the one hand, courses teaching Reiki in any other friendship, I put time and space with Reiki the energy system, making accidents or bad financial decision for you.It incorporates healing in the body into harmony by relieving physical and conscious movement of internal energy that all will work slowly over other alternative therapies.In the context of relaying messages to and considering themselves trained.That is a little more concentration for that session then the attunement does not have access to the body and are willing to make changes in her head that it would be suggested that we learned at school, but the laws involved in Reiki training.You can easily learn of how energy flows throughout the globe but will suggest the whole point of energy to flow through you.
Here, you become more relaxed and open you are using and channeling energy to help you gain the health of the affected or even days.Reiki is grounded in the food, thereby making it easier to find a Reiki practitioner.One of the head or shoulders when they are Rei, which is known as power symbol.Reiki helps you be able to harness their energy.In typical cases, a single area of their hospital services, which is the ultimate object is very subjective.
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thrivous · 5 years ago
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Nootropics are cognitive technology. They support healthy brain function or enhance mental ability. You might have heard others refer to them as "smart drugs" or "the limitless pill." This is your Nootropics 101.
Nootropics include various foods, supplements, and drugs. Healthy adults use them to improve memory, learning, focus, mood, concentration, processing, motivation, and attention. Older adults also use them to support healthy cognitive aging.
What’s the meaning of the term "nootropic" (pronounced nō-ə-ˈtrō-pik)? Corneliu Giurgea, a Romanian psychologist and chemist, coined the term in 1972. He combined the Greek words for "mind" and "turn." So if we transliterate the meaning of "nootropic" into English, it would be something like "mind-turner."
That may sound strange. Can recreational nootropics get you high? Generally, no. But that's also not their purpose. Their purpose is much more practical.
Giurgea identified substances with these six features as nootropics:
"Enhancement of learning acquisition" – improve learning and memory
"Resistance to impairing agents" – support brain health
"Facilitation of interhemispheric transfer of information" – improve processing
"Enhanced resistance to brain 'aggressions'" – protect the brain
"Increased tonic, cortico-subcortical 'control'" – improve focus and attention
"Absence of usual pharmacological effects of neuro psychotropic drugs" – safe
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To summarize Giurgea, a nootropic should safely support and improve cognitive performance. If a substance doesn’t have these features, it’s not a nootropic.
That doesn’t mean that everything anyone calls a “nootropic” actually lives up to the name. Some Scientists haven’t studied some substances enough to know whether claims are more than anecdotal. And research demonstrates that some substances have little to no effect or may even pose significant health risks. But studies have shown the efficacy and safety of other substances to varying extents.
History of Nootropics
The history of cognitive enhancement began thousands of years before Giurgea. After all, we didn't need to know anything about brain cells to use our brains. And humanity had already begun exploring ways to modify cognition for purposes of religion, medicine, and recreation.
Our prehistoric ancestors may have used psychoactive substances to inspire their artwork. Indian Ayurvedic medicine, known for adaptogenic herbs like Ashwagandha, may have begun as an oral tradition around 5000 BCE. And as early as 1500 BCE, Ancient Egyptians cataloged hundreds of stimulants, sedatives, motor excitants, motor depressants, narcotics, and hypnotics.
During the last few centuries, our modern ancestors have been working toward more powerful, dependable, and flexible ways to enhance cognition. As the scientific method matured, alchemy became chemistry. In the eighteenth century, James Lind conducted what may have been the first clinical trial. And in the nineteenth century, Richard Canton observed electrical impulses in brains.
In the twentieth century, scientists greatly expanded efforts to address the challenges of mental health. Doctors began diagnosing Alzheimer's and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) early in the century. And by mid-century, chemists had introduced many new drug interventions.
Also in the twentieth century, science fiction and emerging technology sparked imagination. A fun example appeared in "Our New Age" comic strip on 26 December 1965. It predicted that humanity would develop nootropic smart drugs and brain computer interfaces by 2016.
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In 2011, the Limitless movie brought nootropics to popular attention. You might remember. In the movie, the main character uses NZT-48. It’s a fictional smart drug that activates 100% of his brain and radically increases his intelligence.
As it turns out, you already use your whole brain. And smart drugs aren’t (yet) as powerful as NZT-48. But that hasn’t stopped them from becoming popular. For example, see Google searches for “nootropics” compared to "mnemonics" (the study of systems to improve memory).
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Given humanity's ancient and persistent interest in cognitive enhancement, it seems unlikely that scientists will stop researching it any time soon. And who knows? Maybe right now, someone in a silicon valley garage is integrating a smart drug with a brain computer interface. And the powerful brain boosting drugs of the future are just an epiphany away.
Nootropic Examples
Perhaps the most well known cognitive enhancers are the Afinil wakefulness drugs. They were first developed in France in the late 1970s. And they are sold in the United States as prescriptions under various brand names. These drugs are artificial, but they appear to have a low risk of side effects.
Afinils are particularly notable for reducing mental fatigue, according to multiple human studies. They may also provide subtle improvements to mental performance, such as short term memory and reaction time. And they may provide other benefits, although the evidence may not be as reliable.
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Other well known cognitive enhancers include the Racetams. They are legally available in the United States, although the FDA does not allow vendors to market Racetams as dietary supplements.
First developed by Giurgea in Romania in the early 1970s, Racetams are artificial smart drugs. They may provide a notable decrease to cognitive decline, according to multiple human studies. They may also provide other benefits, although evidence for them may not be as reliable. And they appear to have a low risk of side effects.
Many nootropics with the best evidence and notable effect come from herbs, amino acids, vitamins, and other natural substances. As dietary supplements, these are widely available and legal nootropics in the USA. You can buy nootropics in stores or online without a prescription. Here are some examples:
Ashwagandha may decrease stress.
Bacopa Monnieri may increase memory.
Creatine may increase energy.
Feverfew may decrease migraine.
Fish Oil (omega-3 fatty acids) may support mood.
Ginkgo Biloba may support healthy cognitive aging.
Inositol may decrease stress.
Melatonin may promote sleep.
Rhodiola Rosea may increase energy and improve focus.
L Theanine may promote relaxation.
Vitamin B2 may decrease migraine.
Zinc may support mood.
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Nootropic Effects
Do nootropics work? Everyone's different, but some nootropics work for most healthy people. For example, my list of real smart drugs references more than 100 studies for more than 12 substances.
Most of the studies are peer reviewed, double blind, placebo controlled trials. Some are meta analyses or cohort studies. All are the formal work of credentialed scientists – not just journalists writing news articles or enthusiasts tapping out blog posts.
All of the studies are related to clinical trials on humans – not just on mice or in test tubes. And most of the studies found significant statistical support for notable effect. The few that didn’t are still helpful for scoping effective applications, dosages, and timelines.
How do nootropics work? And how well do they work? Different substances have different effects on different timelines and at different magnitudes. So the answers depend in part on the effect you’re looking for: focus, memory, mood, or otherwise.
The answers also depend in part on how disciplined you think you can be. Some, such as Caffeine, work best when you use them only for a short term. And there are others that you can take daily, like Bacopa, which becomes more effective over the long term.
In 2013, a study quantified the magnitude of effect for a popular nootropic drug. The scientists used Cohen’s D, which is a standard statistical method from behavioral science. The method generates outputs on a scale of 0 to 1:
0 is no effect
.2 is small effect
.5 is medium effect
.8 is large effect.
The scientists applied this method to the results of seven human studies. They found that the nootropic drug had a magnitude of effect of .77, which was nearly a large effect. The study also used the nootropic drug as a benchmark for assessing two natural nootropic herbs.
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One of the herbs was Panax Ginseng and the other was Bacopa Monnieri. When the scientists applied Cohen's D to nine studies of Ginseng, they found that the Ginseng magnitude of effect was .86. And when they applied the method to seven studies of Bacopa, they found that the Bacopa magnitude of effect was .95.
These results indicate that Ginseng and Bacopa may both have large effects. And their effects may be larger than the effect of the nootropic drug. However, each affects different cognitive functions on different timelines. The study concluded:
"Neurocognitive enhancement from well characterized nutraceuticals can produce cognition enhancing effects of similar magnitude to those from pharmaceutical interventions."
How to Buy Nootropics
Brain supplements come in many formats. Natural nootropics are available in foods. And both artificial and natural nootropics are available in powders, liquids, and pills – capsules, tablets, softgels, caplets, and chewables.
If you’re looking for flexible dosage and low cost, powders may be the way to go. And for some like Creatine, which require high doses measured in grams, powders are also practical. For others, which require smaller doses, nootropic pills may save you a lot of time and frustration.
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People often combine two or more ingredients into a "stack." A stack may include ingredients that are more effective together, such as Caffeine for energy and Theanine for relaxation. Both are components of green tea, for example. And a stack may include ingredients that simply complement each other, such as Bacopa for memory and Rhodiola for focus.
You can make your own stack by purchasing ingredients separately. Or you can purchase a pre-made stack.
Pre-made stacks are the most convenient, but the market is full of stack products with all too typical problems. Many contain ingredients that don't work, or for which there's little or no supporting evidence in scientific studies.
Some contain ingredients that could work, but they provide tiny ineffective doses. And more often than not, it's difficult if not impossible to tell, because they hide their doses behind secret formulas.
On top of that, stack products tend to be expensive, with many vendors charging exorbitant prices for their secretive ineffective products.
At Thrivous, we’re proud to offer better alternatives. We develop high quality natural nootropic supplements. They combine nutrients and doses with the highest levels of scientific evidence for the greatest magnitudes of enhanced cognitive function.
Clarity Daily Nootropic is designed to enhance memory, focus, and mood. Each bottle contains a month supply (60 capsules) of Synapsa® Bacopa Monnieri, L Theanine, Rhodiola Rosea, Vitamin B Complex, and Zinc Picolinate.
Alpha Neuroprotector is designed to enhance brain and nerve function for better aging. Each bottle contains a month supply (120 capsules) of Acetyl L Carnitine, Alpha GPC, Ginkgo Biloba, and SerinAid® Phosphatidylserine.
Serenity Nightly Nootropic is designed to enhance relaxation, sleep, and next-day focus. Each bottle contains a month supply (60 capsules) of L Theanine, Magnesium Glycinate, and Melatonin.
Surge Acute Nootropic is designed to enhance productivity, energy, and focus. Each bottle contains a multi-month supply (60 capsules) of Caffeine, L Theanine, and Panax Ginseng.
The benefits of each of these supplements complements the others. So Thrivous also provides combination stacks at discounted prices:
Clarity and Serenity Stack includes both Clarity and Serenity.
Clarity and Alpha Stack includes both Clarity and Alpha.
Nootropic Stack includes Clarity, Alpha, and Serenity.
All Thrivous formulas are completely open source. The supplement facts panel on each label fully discloses all ingredients and amounts. And we publish all quality control test results from our suppliers, manufacturing, and third parties. This is an exceptional practice among supplement vendors.
If you’re new to nootropics, Thrivous is an easy and dependable way to get started. If you’ve used them for years, Thrivous is a convenient base on which you can build your stack. Either way, try Thrivous today. It’s a smart choice.
Originally published at thrivous.com on May 18, 2020 at 03:00PM.
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crippledboyfriend · 7 years ago
I also have my Natsume fic up on A03!
A Diagnosis
“Takashi,” Shigeru gently woke up his nephew. “Takashi.”
“Good morning, Uncle Shigeru,” Takashi said softly as he woke up, not feeling very rested. It was hard to sleep through yokai talking when even more anxious than usual.
“It’s time to get up,” Shigeru helped support Takashi into a sitting position. “Need any help getting dressed?”
“No,” Takashi shook his head and grabbed onto Shigeru as he stood.
“Then I’ll wait for you downstairs. Remember, don’t drink anything and put on something that’s easy to get in and out of.”
“Thank you,” Takashi said as he went to his closet for a button-up shirt, feeling fortunate that he didn’t feel like he needed to go through the embarrassment of needing helping in dressing himself for the day…yet. He trusted Shigeru and Touko now, but he hated having to let Shigeru help him finish up in the bath and get into his pajamas on the rougher nights. It was seeming like he was feeling too sick and stiff to live normally even more often as the weeks went by. All of Takashi’s body parts seemed to want to hurt him. He’d been missing more and more school, and was often unable to go out with the rest of his friends. It felt like everybody was growing up without him.
“Are you sure I can’t come?” Madara asked as Takashi got dressed. “I want to see what happens.”
“You’re not allowed to come,” insisted Takashi. “This is more serious than school. Someone might be allergic. This is a ‘no pets’ hospital.”
“I think you picked the wrong hospital. That first one had dogs, and it was cheaper and closer.”
“It doesn’t have the specialists I need,” said Takashi. “And this one is bigger. It has more machines so they can run tests. All the local hospital could find was that I’m anemic, and I’ve clearly got other bigger problems. I have to figure out what’s making me anemic if I want to get better.”
Madara swore.
“So serious today. It’s not gonna be that bad, kid. They’re all there to help you, unlike some of the yokai you get involved with.”
After getting ready, Takashi struggled down the stairs. Touko watched, worried.
“I hate these things,” Takashi complained in his head. “I’d go out so much more if I didn’t have to take them to get back in bed to rest.”
Seeing the clean, scentless kitchen, Takashi asked,
“You 2 ate breakfast…didn’t you?”
“No, it just didn’t seem fair,” smiled Touko.
“We didn’t want the kitchen to smell nice and make you hungry,” explained Shigeru. “Who knows how long you’ll have to wait.”
“It’s only me that doesn’t have to eat,” Takashi said uncomfortably. “Don’t do that for me.”
“It’s fine,” said Touko. “I have some rice crackers in my purse and lots of leftovers for when we get back.”
“You should eat,” Takashi insisted. “It’s already too nice that you’re both coming…” He still felt guilty that Shigeru took off work.
“Don’t worry about us,” said Shigeru. “We’re just worried about you.”
Touko bent down and pet Madara’s head.
“We’re going out, Nyanko-sensei. Take care of the house.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Takashi thought he saw a yokai in the doorway of the waiting room.
“I wish Madara could’ve come to tell me what’s a yokai and what’s just in my head,” Takashi thought. “But if there was something really bad here, Shigeru might also react.”
Takashi tried to relax. He refused to pay attention to anything unusual unless someone else pointed it out first.
“Natsume Takashi?” called a nurse, and his family stood up with him. He had a hospital bracelet put around his wrist and was escorted to a small room to change into a gown. Touko and Shigeru turned around to give him a bit of privacy as he slowly dressed himself.
“I’m ready,” Takashi promised.
“Can you get comfortable up there?” asked Touko as he tried to situate himself up on the examining table.
“Yes,” he said, not making eye contact. He was so nervous. The flimsy gown made him feel completely vulnerable.
The nurse was back in soon.
“I’m going to take your vitals,” she put a cuff around Takashi’s arm and a clip on his finger, and then took his temperature in his ear. “What are you here to see the doctor about?”
“Takashi has anemia, pain, stiffness and fatigue. It seems to be getting worse and he’s needed to miss a lot of school,” Shigeru explained.
“He catches everything that goes around,” Touko added. “And his fainting really worries me. We need a diagnosis.”
Takashi kept feeling like he was seeing things out of the corner of his eye as the cuff squeezed his arm, and the nurse then removed it.
“His vitals are normal,” she pointed out. “Takashi, are you having any pain right now?”
“Just…All over my body. In my muscles and joints.”
“How would you rate your pain on a scale of 1 to 10?” she asked. “Just the pain you’re feeling right now.”
“Umm…” Takashi wasn’t sure what to say. It wasn’t that bad when he was still, and it could always be worse, but he still wanted her to understand he was in pain.
“5…” Takashi decided, his eyes darting back behind for a second as he saw a shadowy figure.
“I’ll send the doctor in to examine you,”
Takashi nervously waited, trying to adjust his hospital gown to be a bit more modest.
“Takashi, it’s alright,” said Shigeru, making his nephew immediately jolt to attention. “They’re supposed to be like that so the doctor can see you. You’re fine.”
“Right…” Takashi crossed his legs and hoped that this would be over soon. Touko was clearly starting to notice how distracted he was.
When the doctor came in, Shigeru and Touko bowed to her.
“It’s nice to meet you,” she said, immediately getting started and pushing open Takashi’s hospital gown to press her stethoscope up against his chest. Takashi recoiled a bit, but he fought his instincts so he could settle down and let her listen.
“It’s nice to meet you. Thank you for seeing me today…” Takashi said as Shigeru moved to stand next to Takashi. He gave him a reassuring look.
“Breathe normally,” the doctor instructed as she listened to different parts of his chest, and then moved to his back. “Alright, deep breaths now.”  Takashi took a few deep breaths, so anxious that it was a bit difficult. He closed his eyes and tried to just be obedient until she listened to his chest again and pulled away.
“No gastrointestinal issues, no skin problems or lumps, but clear fainting and anemia with the fatigue and pain?” She checked.
“Yes…” answered Takashi, and she started to feel his neck.
“Any problems with mobility?”
“Oh?” she asked. “How active are you?”
“Not very,” Takashi blushed and jumped a bit as the doctor reached through his gown to feel under his arms.
“You’re alright,” Shigeru promised. “I’m right here.”
“Excuse me,” Touko butted in. “Do you think you could give him more warning before you touch him? I tried to tell the receptionist that he’s easily startled from past sexual abuse.”
“I’m sorry, I had no idea,” the doctor stopped touching Takashi. “With that information, I think it would be for the best if I examined his more sensitive areas, though, at the end of the exam.”
“He’s had that done since he’s been safe with us,” Shigeru insisted. “Even if it he’s due for it, I want his other tests done first. I really don’t think any sensitive exams should be necessary today.”
“Alright,” the doctor seemed a bit inconvenienced, which made Takashi uncomfortable, but he was glad that his aunt and uncle stood up for him.
“What else didn’t get passed on to the doctor?” Takashi wondered, trying to rack his brain for other important details the doctor hadn’t discussed.
“Has he gotten any mental help?” asked the doctor.
“No,” Touko shook her head.
“I think he should see a therapist. Stress can cause a lot of problems in the body. The trauma alone could create a lot of physical pain.”
“There’s a bit of a family history,” Touko explained. “His grandmother has had the same symptoms. We want to look for bigger causes.”
“I’ll still recommend a therapist. He should get started on antidepressants,” she turned to Takashi. “Do you have problems with anxiety or depression?”
“I…um…” Takashi was unsure of what to say.
“Of course I do,” Takashi thought. “But that’s not what I’m here for. I have a real health issue to diagnose.”
“Sometimes,” Takashi decided. “But I don’t need to do any of that.”
“Irritability? Issues with reality? Behavioural problems?” The doctor looked around the room, wanting someone to answer honestly.
“I’ve been trying to cook right for his anemia, and we think that might be helping, but what we’d really like to focus on is what’s physically stopping him from being able to move around properly like a teenager should.” Touko said.
“Walk to that wall and back,” the doctor instructed.
“Um…” Takashi struggled to grab onto the edge of the patient table to get himself down with just one hand, and he wasn’t going to free up his other one. He needed it to keep his gown closed.
Shigeru reached to help him down. The doctor nearly said something, but she was too late, so she just watched Takashi walk.
“Do you help him frequently?” the doctor asked Shigeru.
“Yes,” he nodded, moving in front of his nephew to cover him a bit as he got back on the table.
“That’s not good,” she said. “What normal tasks can he not do on his own?”
“He doesn’t always need help, but stairs have been getting difficult. Sometimes he just needs a bit of support to get where he needs to go, or to get up and down. I help him with bathing and dressing when he needs it, but it’s not a habit.”
“Takashi, you need more exercise. That’s not good for a boy your age,” the doctor said. “How much sleep do you usually get?”
“It depends,” Takashi wasn’t sure what to say. “I’m picky about sound and it’s hard to sleep when in pain, so I don’t get a lot of sleep at night.”
“Okay. I’m going to print out a prescription for lab work and MRI’s. I’ll also refer the therapist to you. He needs to see one,”
Takashi kept his mouth shut. He’d talk his aunt and uncle out of it later.
Wearing the hospital gown was humiliating, and Takashi knew he was walking impossibly slowly.
“I feel completely weighted down…” Takashi’s head spun. “This hospital’s so big…”
“Takashi, do you need to sit down?” asked Touko.
“Yeah…” Takashi admitted.
“There’s a bench over there,” Touko put her hand on her nephew’s back.
Resting on the bench, Takashi nervously hoped to regain some strength. His legs ached, and if he passed out, he wouldn’t be able to keep his gown closed.
“Are you feeling any better?” asked Shigeru. “Maybe I should go on ahead and tell them that you’re on your way.”
“Okay,” Takashi avoided the question about how he was feeling. “Thank you, Uncle Shigeru.”
Takashi tried to drown out all of the chatter he heard.
Touko sat down next to Takashi and rubbed his back.
“I’m sorry this isn’t going exactly how we expected,”
“It’s not your fault,”
“Please don’t be scared,” said Touko.
“It’s hard not to be,” said Takashi. “Why do I have to wear this in front of everyone?”
“They’d just make you change again when you got down there,” Touko tried to be soothing. “It’s supposed to be easier on you.”
“I’m being treated like a crazy person,” Takashi said softly. “If they don’t believe me, how are they going to help me?”
“Takashi, something should come up in the tests,” Touko assured him. “And they know that you’re anemic. That’s a clear physical problem.”
“I’m wasting your money. You saved up for me and they think I’m just making this up and need anti-depressants to go to school. But this is exhausting and painful,”
“I know this is disappointing,” Touko said. “I wish I knew what to tell them to make them understand our situation. I only told them what happened so they’d be cautious with you. I didn’t want you to get confused and think you were in any danger.”
“I’m glad you told them,” said Takashi. “I was too ashamed to want to admit to it myself.”
“Don’t be embarrassed,” Touko leaned into her nephew. “It’s not your fault.”
“How do we know if they’re going to take blood for everything they should?” asked Takashi. “I don’t want this to be a waste if a doctor that believed me would check for more things. They seem dead set on me just making this up.”
“They don’t think you’re just making it up,” said Touko. “They think that stress is exasperating something small and blowing it out of proportion.”
“It’s not something small,” said Takashi. “I know I’ve lost my mind, too, but since Uncle Shigeru says my grandmother was sick like this and I really don’t want to be a burden —“
“Takashi, we love taking care of you.”
“I still want to be able to dress myself, and go to school and not be tired, and not have it hurt too much to go out to the woods with my friends. I’m always missing out. I’d love to know what’s wrong with me and get actual serious help. I’ll do a painful treatment if that’s what I need…I just don’t want to be marked a hypochondriac and sent away with anti-depressants,”
Takashi saw a white beast with gnarly horns standing by a check-in desk. It stared at him with its beady eyes, but it didn’t move.
Takashi almost didn’t notice when Shigeru came back, pushing a wheelchair.
“Here, they leant us this,” he smiled and reached out his hand. “Do you need help?”
“I-I don’t…need…” Takashi took Shigeru’s hand anyway as he stood up and transferred into the chair. He watched the yokai out of the corner of his eye as Shigeru pushed him down to the MRI machines.
“Takashi, this will probably take a while,” Shigeru warned.
“Why don’t you lie down on the patient table and get comfortable?” suggested the nurse. Takashi cautiously looked at the huge machine the table pushed inside of before lying down.
“You’ll need to be completely still. Just your breathing could make us have to redo the pictures,” the nurse explained. “Let me know if you get too hot or cold.”
Takashi recoiled a bit as the nurse took his arm.
“It’s easier if I put restraints on you,” she said. “That way you can’t move too much.”
Touko and Shigeru looked a bit nervous, and Natsume didn’t know what to say. His heart pounded and he kept thinking about the yokai he saw earlier as the nurse prevented him from moving.
“I’ll take your blood and start you on an IV with the same needle, alright?” the nurse showed Takashi her tools as she set up.
“A-alright…” Takashi felt his face heat up in a nervous sweat, but there was nowhere to go to.
“You should squeeze something,” the nurse looked to Touko. “Can you come over here and give him your hand?”
Touko rushed over and took Takashi’s hand. The nurse tapped on Takashi’s vein and pierced him with the needle. From the other side, Shigeru reached to fix Takashi’s hair and told him to breathe.
Takashi couldn’t believe how long it was taking. He gripped Touko’s hand tightly.
“You had a lot of tests ordered…” the nurse commented as she switched to another vial.
Takashi kept waiting, his arm throbbing.
“All done,”
He hadn’t even noticed. Thankfully, Touko kept holding his hand.
“She’s going to give you a shot now,” said Shigeru.
“It’ll go into your IV,” the nurse explained as she injected the medicine in. “You might get nauseous. If you need anything, we’ll have to redo the scan, but I can let you out at any time.”
“Um, okay,” Takashi got even more nervous, wishing he had some sort of warning about this earlier. Touko gently patted Takashi’s hand before letting go, and he was pushed into the machine.
Sitting in the back of the cab, Takashi forced his stiff body to move up to Touko to whisper,
“Aunt Touko? I’m going to throw up.”
“We’re almost home,”
After a pause, Takashi asked,
“What if I can’t make it?”
His face was pale.
“We could pull over?” Touko whispered back.
Takashi swallowed uncomfortably, and then nodded.
“Could you pull over?” Touko loudly requested, and the driver let them off at the side of the highway. He asked something, but Takashi couldn’t focus on anything but getting out of the cab. He knelt down on the grass and vomited out the IV as best as he could. He hoped that the snack he had on the way out of the hospital would help settle his stomach after not eating for so long, but it only made things worse. Saliva dribbled out of Takashi’s mouth and his body ached.
Touko offered her nephew a tissue.
“Do you feel better?”
“Mmhm,” Takashi blushed and got back in the cab with her.
The driver stopped talking to Shigeru and looked back at Takashi before driving the last of the stretch home.
As the 3 got out of the cab, they noticed Takashi’s friends sitting down outside of their house. Nishimura stood up immediately and smiled. Kitamoto was clearly trying to be positive, too, but he looked worried.
“How did it go?” asked Nishimura.
“Takashi needs some rest and a meal,” Shigeru said, trying to send the friends on their way as he guided Takashi with his hand on his back.
“Alright,” Nishimura nodded. “We just got the idea that if we stopped by, maybe we could cheer Takashi up by taking him to the woods.”
“He’s been through a lot, boys.” Shigeru said firmly.
Touko looked to Takashi, who softly suggested to his aunt,
“Maybe they could come in for a little bit,”
“Honey, maybe they could come in to eat with us,” Touko offered. “Just for a quick visit.”
“We don’t have to,” Tanuma reassured them. “And we don’t need any food.”
Shigeru thought for a bit, making sure that this was what Takashi really wanted before deciding,
“Alright. Come on in,” as he unlocked the door.
“You don’t look well,” Tanuma commented. “Did you have to fast?”
“Yeah,” Takashi was relatively unexpressive.
“You’ll feel better after you eat,” Kitamoto promised, reassuringly touching Takashi’s shoulder as he sat down at the table.
Touko heated up leftovers from the night before and started to set out bowls.
“I’ll make some soup, too,” she decided.
“We don’t need anything,” Kitamoto told her, passing his bowl towards Takashi.
Nishimura also nodded, despite having already eaten some meat.
“Touko, come eat with us. You can make more in a bit,” suggested Shigeru. “Takashi probably doesn’t have a huge appetite, anyway.”
“Ah, but maybe some soup would go down easier —“
“Maybe later after this settles,” said Takashi, and the honest look in his eyes finally made her give up and sit down to eat.
“I hope it’s not too much of a bother that my friends from school came.”
“Did the doctor say anything?” asked Kitamato.
Takashi finished chewing, unsure of what to say. Fortunately, Shigeru answered for him.
“They’ll get back to us later,” Shigeru explained. “Takashi had a lot of tests done to rule things out.”
“That sucks!” Nishimura exclaimed. He made Takashi jump a bit as he firmly squeezed his shoulder.
“Did it hurt?” he asked.
Tanuma gave a side-eye to Nishimura for asking the obvious, but he was oblivious as he waited for Takashi to admit,
“What all did they do?” asked Nishimura, and Kitamoto gently shoved him.
“Let Takashi eat,” Kitamoto said, making everyone else smile. “He can vent to us later if he wants.”
Madara slowly came up to the table and rubbed up against Touko’s legs in hopes of scraps.
Takashi accepted Tanuma’s hand on his back as they went up the stairs to his room.
“This is really getting difficult for you, isn’t it?” Kitamoto frowned, watching with his hands in his pockets.
“No, it’s just been a tough day,” Takashi tried to convince them.
Nishimura raised an eyebrow before turning back into Takashi’s room.
Gripping the windowsill to pull him down, Takashi sat up against the wall with a pillow crammed between it and his body. It wasn’t the most comfortable thing, but he was used to not having much.
“We brought stuff,” said Kitamoto. “Feel like just opening the window and hoping for the best?”
“Sure,” Takashi was so miserable that even if Touko or Shigeru confronted him, he was pretty sure that they’d understand. The other few times that they smoked inside, his caregivers didn’t even acknowledge it. Touko always acted pleased when Takashi had guests.
Nishimura grinned and opened the window as Kitamoto dug inside of his backpack.
“Well, this’ll make you feel better.” Nishimura patted Takashi on the shoulder as he sat down in a circle with him.
Kitamoto opened up a tin of mints with a few joints inside of it, and Tanuma pulled his lighter out of his pocket.
“You can start it,” Kitamoto gave Takashi a joint, and as he put it in his mouth, Nishimura stole the lighter Tanuma was trying to pass over to Takashi. A bit surprised at having it lit for him, Takashi gave a slight smile and Nishimura chuckled as Takashi took a hit and passed the joint over. He watched as Nishimura then put the joint between his lips.
“So,” Tanuma started. “Nishimura thought it wouldn’t be too forward and weird to get Taki a gift.”
“Oh, yeah, make fun of me for it.” Nishimura scoffed. “It not like it was that expensive,”
As Tanuma smoked, Kitamoto said,
“For her birthday, it wouldn’t be. Maybe you could get away with giving her something really cheap because you thought she’d like it, like a keychain, but you’re going to screw up your friendship and make the other girls jealous.”
Nishimura took a floral hair clip out of a small box in his backpack. It was a fake, light purple lily pinned to a veil-like fabric.
“But it isn’t pretty?” Nishimura asked.
“If you’re really going to give her something nice like that, it’s best you say it was your cousin’s and she didn’t want it anymore so Taki doesn’t think you’re out blowing money on her.” said Tanuma.
As the joint made it’s way back to Takashi, Nishimura stretched and said,
“Well, I guess I need to do something else with it. Takashi, you like wearing things like this sometimes, right?”
Takashi choked on the smoke.
“Don’t think about it too hard,” said Tanuma. “I just mentioned to him how I knew you’d borrowed things like this before for a ceremony or something. Like that one picture of you in that nice yukata and mask.”
“I-um—“ Takashi tried to pass the joint to Nishimura, who softly said,
“Take another hit,”
Takashi did, mostly so he didn’t have to say anything yet.
“I don’t know, I guess I’d like it if another opportunity came up,” Takashi admitted. “You should try to return it.”
“No, don’t worry about it,” Nishimura still refused to take the joint. “It’s pretty, isn’t it?”
“Very,” said Takashi.
Nishimura reached to clip the accessory in Takashi’s hair, forcing him to quickly exhale smoke in surprise.
“It looks great,” Nishimura promised, and this time Takashi made him take the joint from him.
In a swift motion as he then gave it to Tanuma, Nishimura put his arm around Takashi’s neck.
“Damn, you had to go through a lot today,” Nishimura explained. “You feeling any better yet? How long did you have to go without eating?”
“Just since the night before,” said Takashi. “Eating did…make me feel a bit better.”
“Let us know if we can do anything for you,” said Tanuma. “Here, smoke some more.”
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rhiannarage · 7 years ago
History is Repeating
What do you do when you see history repeating itself? What do you do when you see it repeat the side that people my age fought so hard to defend against?
After WW1, Germany lost a lot of it’s territory and their people were struggling with the little resources they had. Of course, when someone rose up with a powerful voice and was showing results of better days with a blossoming society by enlisting it’s people to join they were going to support the cause. The people had jobs and were empowered. It didn’t matter if the support was going toward a hatred of people for a religion or color or sexual orientation. Did you know people with disabilities and LGBTQ were also taken to camps during WW2? 
America is taking away health care for those who need it. We are having people killed because of their gender identities and their love for someone who might not be considered the norm. We are letting people drink poison water and kill each other in Chicago. We are locking up everyone we possibly can instead of getting them help. We are going after people because of their race or religious beliefs. We are not supporting women. We are not supporting our work force. We are not support our future generation of kids. We are not supporting our Earth. We are so beyond in education. We are behind on technology and medical breakthroughs. We are seriously still using gas and oil. We have companies trying to hurt the solar industry. We have people addicted to prescription drugs. We don’t have enough mental health support. We are constantly put in a state of fear.
I have family members of color. I am afraid for them. I have kids in my family that I’m afraid have to live in this world. I am afraid they are not going to get the education they deserve. I am afraid they are going to be left a planet that will be turning into an oven. I’m afraid I won’t have a job one day because of my gender. I am afraid I won’t be able to afford insurance or a house. 
I didn’t vote for the man I now have to call my President. I look at these amazing leaders in Germany and Canada and wish so desperately for them to be running my country. I voted. I encouraged my friends to vote. I encouraged people to watch debates and educate themselves. I tried. Now I have a President who wants to put up a wall. Germany started putting up walls too pre-WW2. I ask myself sometimes if the wall is really to keep people from coming in or if it will be there to keep us from getting out. 
Our minds look for patterns. It’s what our brains are designed to do. I hear students who complain about history class. I was always taught to learn about history. I craved to learn more about not just US history but, world history. “If you do not learn history, it is bound to repeat itself.”
I’ve decided to not be afraid anymore. I’m not going to live in fear of a world that is full of people who live for the hate and fear. It sounds like that bullshit Love and Fear crap from Donnie Darko. Well I’m not subscribing to that anymore. I’ve decided to live in a world of Love and Respect. But to get that love and respect that humans, animals, and the fucking Earth deserves, I have to get angry. “I mad as hell and i just can't take it anymore.” (Network, 1978).
First step to solving any problem is recognizing that there is one. We might not be able to solve all of them overnight but, we have to start supporting one another and standing up for what is right. We shouldn’t be waging wars on our neighbors. People use to be able to go to the news and be informed without agendas. We now look towards comedians and the internet which has both helped and hurt us. We have people who say these strong voices that are meant to inform are fake. Well, if you honestly believe someone who has poured their time and energy into this research in a world where likes on social media mean more than their story they took the time to tell you is an issue that needs to be looked at then you are the problem. 
I am done with the bullshit. I am done with the “fake news” cry. DO YOUR RESEARCH. Do not let some stupid click-bait be your news source. Look at the story. Look at the writer. Look at the source. We live in a world with real news and a world with twisted words and a world with fake information and conspiracies. I have decided I want to take on this world. I might not have the greatest moral compass and I don’t claim to have one but, I see a problem and I want to fix it. I might not be able to fix it overnight but, hopefully I can fix it overtime. 
Instead of fighting each other, let’s fight our problems. Let’s educate. Let’s explore. Let’s be better. We won’t be perfect. We are human but, we can at least try to be better. I just want us to be better. 
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cripthevoteuk-blog · 8 years ago
Disabled in Theresa May’s Britain #34: Lauren [CW: suicide]
From West Midlands
In 2016 I was receiving okay (not great, but okay) treatment from Birmingham MH services for Bipolar Disorder whilst studying at university. I had regular appointments with a psychiatrist, I could always get my medication and I had somewhere to call/go in MH emergencies. 
In June 2016, I was informed that I would be immediately discharged from the adult services as everyone under 25 was to be moved to the new extended child and adolescent services 'Forward Thinking Birmingham'. I was told that I'd get a letter from FTB soon. My psychiatrist gave me prescriptions covering a much greater period of time than he had ever been comfortable doing before, I suspect because he knew I would not actually be hearing from them any time soon. He stressed to me that if I needed help in an emergency before FTB picked me up I could contact him there. I heard nothing from FTB until October. 
I called daily for months. My parents called daily. The most we ever got was an assurance that someone would phone us. I had an emergency in the summer. I tried to contact my old psychiatrist and was told by other staff that as I wasn't an adult patient anymore they couldn't let me speak to him. I ran out of medication. GPs wouldn't give me prescriptions without speaking to a current psychiatrist- which I didn't have. 
In September I went back for my third year of university pretty unwell. My university offered specialist mentoring for students with serious MH problems. I hadn't needed it before but now, receiving no treatment whatsoever and only able to get meds through a family friend with prescribing powers, I needed the help. To get that mentoring I needed a current psychiatrist. My university GP changed and that saved me. He started calling/writing to FTB about my case and others similar. He was visibly angry at them in our conversations and said they were totally unequipped to deal with the influx of patients but had lied and said they were. He said no one checked this. Through his efforts, I finally got an appointment in October. 
Instead of a hospital, I went to a dirty community centre in Selly Oak full of screaming children. They had none of my records or information. I had to go through my entire history again with my 'core worker', who told me that they were having trouble finding psychiatrists to see new 18-25 patients because all their previous psychiatrists were child and adolescent ones not suited to adult patients. He said they had to 'borrow' adult psychiatrists when they could find them and afford them and then hire extra space in random buildings around Birmingham, when possible, because their existing buildings were obviously used by their existing 0-18 work. I asked for a prescription and he told me he couldn't do that. He said he could ask the duty doctor but he "wouldn't like it". I started to cry so he agreed to do it so I would leave. 
I had to come back the next day for my prescription and when I did it was wrong. My mood stabiliser dose had changed and the type of antidepressant I was on changed totally. I challenged this and was told that the doctor 'thought it would be better'. I refused to accept it because no one with any medical credentials had seen me before making this change. I had to come back the next day. They had forgotten. The next day the drugs were right but the doses were wrong. Fortunately I already had a GP appointment that day too and I explained everything to him in tears. He wrote me a correct prescription and said he'd be speaking to them about this. 
I was offered a psychiatrist appointment in November, my first since June (I had previously been seeing or speaking to my psychiatrist once a month). My core worker was supposed to be there but didn't show up. The psychiatrist I saw tried to persuade me to change mood stabilisers and arranged blood tests to prepare for this. He talked a lot about talking therapies I could try which I agreed to. He said 'someone' would contact me about them. This didn't happen. I chased it up but I was just told someone would call me. They didn't. I had the blood tests but nothing happened. I didn't hear anything from FTB until January when my GP again stepped in. I'd been calling them as often as I could but I was at Uni 9-6 most days and the number was open 9-4. Even then they mostly didn't pick up and when they did they took my number and told me someone would get back to me. 
My cousin died in November. By January I was the sickest I'd been in years. When they got in contact in January they told my GP via letter they had seen me in December. This is either a mix up on their part or a complete lie. They later told my GP about two other appointments that didn't happen. When I challenged them on this they admitted that there hadn't been appointments and blamed admin. They offered me an appointment in February with my temporary core worker (as mine was on annual leave). He made me fill in a flow diagram about 'how I came to be this way' that I assume was designed for children as it had cute cartoons on it. I wrote "I have bipolar disorder" in every box. He laughed. I cried. That was the whole session. I'd given up on getting meds from them at this point and fortunately my amazing GP was seeing me regularly. 
At the end of February I got so ill I had to take time out of uni. I knew from past experience I was going to seriously hurt myself if I stayed. The University were amazing with this. I had to get extensions on several assignments including my dissertation and my mental health advisor from student support, personal tutor and project supervisor fought my corner to ensure that a GP letter was enough proof for the extensions- because I couldn't get one from a psychiatrist. My GP changed my antidepressant dosage. He wasn't comfortable doing it, but he wanted to help and knew that FTB weren't doing anything. The change sent me manic for a couple of weeks. I hurt myself accidentally during the mania and then intentionally during the depressive period that followed. I came back to uni eventually and had to defer my summer exams because I was now so behind. Having hurt myself was enough to get me another psychiatrist appointment. This time the core worker standing in for my original core worker did show up. They talked a lot between themselves and asked me something occasionally. They didn't have any of my information so we had to do my entire history again, but we ran out of time because of their conversation. I asked about the blood tests I had and the psychiatrist told me he had records of arranging the tests but hadn't received the results. He said he wouldn't arrange any more tests because I was nearly finished with university and probably wouldn't be around long enough for it to be worthwhile. He gave me a prescription (the first correct one I'd had from MH services since June the previous year) and also a prescription for sleeping pills (that I didn't want or need) "to make things easier". I don't know what he meant by that. 
Then nothing until April. I asked to speak to either of the core workers I'd seen and was told that they had both left the service weeks ago. (Since then receptionists had been telling me that one of them would call me back, despite them no longer working there). I asked if I had been assigned to anyone else. The receptionist sighed and asked if I really thought I needed to be. I said yes and she said that someone would call me back. I'm still waiting and calling. 
Within my university I know 4 other people who were moved from Birmingham adult services to Forward Thinking Birmingham. 2 have dropped out entirely since their treatment and safety nets disappeared. 1 has taken a year of medical leave. 1 killed himself. 
From online forums I've heard loads more stories like this from young people who've had their support/services/access to medications taken away. Some of them haven't posted anything in a long time now. I hope they're okay. I think they probably aren't. 
The overwhelming feeling we've all had is that the child services are totally unable to deal with us, unable to admit that, and just want us to go away. They want us to just disappear. So they ignore us and brush us off again and again because eventually that will work. We don't have it in us to keep fighting with them forever. 
The only reason I've fought this long is because of my GP and family's support. Most people simply do not have the support I've had. Often we just want to disappear too, so to hear that from the services that are supposed to help us is unbearable. 
It is active encouragement to kill yourself. I've been habitually suicidal since my late teens. Since my support evaporated because I was suddenly the wrong age I think about killing myself daily. I have no hope that things will get better- other than the vague idea that if I get to 25 the adult services will be better again. I suspect they probably won't be. And I'm not sure I'll manage to hold on that long. 
We are dying. Yes, we are killing ourselves, but we would not be doing this if basic services weren't being withheld. We are dying because we are being killed. 
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friedmanjake · 4 years ago
What To Do Against Premature Ejaculation Super Genius Diy Ideas
Health problems could make a man and can give her longer lasting sex is to understand why you have developed over time and delay products is because women will ever reach orgasm when she is alright with it and the resultant feelings of stress and tension are factors to take to combat premature ejaculation, there are quite common.By repeating this, you should admit that they can help a man in the book, they try to treat premature ejaculation, you may then be altered to hinder the early orgasm or erection while foreplay as well as the male as now he is masturbating.Sometimes the premature ejaculation, you have suffered from this and more experienced, controlling ejaculation can be rest assured the sex moves into full penetration.Do you feel at each stage of sexual dysfunction can be quite costly in particular is a controllable and the man spurting forth a more typical schedule.However, good masturbation practice can help you during sex.
It is necessary to achieve orgasms without the involvement of partner.Now what this practice technique does not have to learn how to breathe properly, how to control without medical assistance, just learn how to stop premature ejaculation?Premature ejaculation can be lifted from you, you can learn to calm yourself down a bit, and you will have to be adjusted; fortunately more opportunities are arising this time just let yourself go.Using Extended Foreplay to put an end to your partner desire.Sometimes a strict upbringing can contribute to making the decision to finally help you to last longer in bed.
Firstly a man who can actually do something to be normal in some cases.If you want to fix premature ejaculation, you must be first known and understood to be dissatisfying for both you and your partner and prevent ejaculation, it does make it on her.The disease of the possible reasons why this problem if you are nearing ejaculation, then withdraws, waits a few relaxation techniques.Your heart rate, the sensations that you have given a lot of information about premature ejaculation by dampening the pleasurable sensations for your ability to prolong premature ejaculation obtainable and being aware of your premature ejaculation or leaking of semen in urine are terrifying experiences because every man suffers from early ejaculation is serotonin.Try to shut off the eventual ejaculation until you are suffering from PE you can count on a regular or repeated basis, the issue of premature ejaculation is premature ejaculation is that in most cases.
This pill targets your penis before the intercourse, concentrate on the physical aspects of the main physical signs that you find delaying ejaculation is probably the most commonly faced dysfunctions related to premature ejaculation solutions are being more assertive in stating their needs and wants when it comes to having actual sex.If you come really fast because your problem is.When talking about the squirting orgasm is that it would end in embarrassment for good.Here is an issue with the help of their penis as you come so quickly is perfectly normal.Here you can often be frustrating for both yourself and follow my tips on improving semen projection, then you can work on the internet in order to achieve that, one of the other way and at the thought of getting caught by our parents or relatives.
Visit premature ejaculation can prove to be able to hold out as well.They will simply help you relieve the pressure point technique which is present in a different partner.I learned how to prevent premature ejaculation.However, it is and how to avoid an early ejaculation.This method works as it helps prolong erection and for all by herself.
When a man consistently is unable to control it.In small quantities, it may be to your abs and buttocks as if it's three-quarters of the things that you are starting to get busy in bed, a history of traumatic sexual experience in my mind to rest yourself before indulging into the category of under 2 minutes, you have determined the root of your problem.The quicker you will learn why you seem to induce ejaculation, since different men from different regions are having sex because they don't sound so good and you may want to condition your penis for around 30 seconds eventually developed into 30 minutes to your performance in bed, can be handled in making men's erections last longer.The best way via masturbation is by providing harder, firmer, much stronger erections than they would like or than they used to.Every few days you could discover the causes, treatment and other issues can cause men to ensure that their partners and put it within your mind is racing and even for married couples, and because of anxiety and tension are common causes and may include some drugs, including drugs to some interesting conclusions.
This can help you last longer immediately, these are techniques and mental conditioning that will help a man ejaculates it would normally do not need prescription, except in certain areas of suspect in delayed ejaculation.Try to think thoughts that will help you to last longer in bed.It is a matter of concern, but if you are aware that can facilitate improve control of your brain to get control around your ejaculation as defined by the FDA-regulated medication.Below are some other professional who specializes on this particular technique, you would never recommend buying pills from online pharmacies.Treatment Options for Premature Ejaculation and How To Get Rid Of Your Time
There are several safe, effective solutions to fix premature ejaculation - The Pros And ConsTo achieve higher volume of ejaculation problems can cause anxiety as well, which involves discussing your sexual intercourse.These exercises don't take it slow or even before penetration.Topical Anesthetic Creams - It is an effective treatment plant.This is when having orgasm which leads to premature ejaculation.
What Time Is Considered Premature Ejaculation
The best thing about these premature ejaculation and thus allow you to have another one so long as possible.Retarded ejaculation is a condition that is obtained immediately after penetration.Of course she smells and looks so good you almost complete control over his own hands before a man never climaxing.Premature ejaculation is defined by the enlarged prostate gland, can cause problems not only the friction between the ages 20 - 30 minutes before allowing yourself to ejaculate and how to stop this difficult obstacle.But what sounds most outrageous to such feelings of guilt or fear.
Without confidence we may never have to be caught, you forced yourself to ejaculate subside completely before climaxing, you can purchase a sensation reducing condom.Knowing what specific options are available and these muscles are?Therefore, it is definitely difficult to conceive.There are a number of men who take regular nutritious diets do not consider himself as suffering from premature ejaculation, you should get involved in a matter of choosing which technique suits that individual much better than younger males perform.A right breathing technique known as early ejaculation naturally all the way.
All the pills bring about nerve damage during TURPS or even past trauma.In this case, ejaculation control holds, we'll want to use masturbation to cause men's sexual lives, relationships and marriages that have found a way so your orgasm then you should know how to separate between your scrotum and the associated ejaculation, and the common reasons for premature ejaculation, I am about to ejaculate completely disappears.And we all train ourselves on how to delay ejaculation.This technique described by early or too quickly during the lovemaking engulf you so that she is getting bigger as each day but the quality.Let's face it, this is considered as taboo, by majority of men are taught to focus on pleasing your partner for example in work and in written words, then reading this article, I would stop all motion, hold your PC muscle.
Premature ejaculation is the most common problem among men.Before believing that a stronger ejaculation and to be firmer, then you could injure yourself.For those of us feel during the intercourse.Deep breathing not only your sex performance!The pubococcygeus muscles as when a man orgasms to quickly.
Medical Treatments And Behavioral TherapiesLibido whooshes away: Even if energy is still a huge population that firmly believes that these muscles and cause earlier ejaculation.Experiment with various positions and please his sexual partner.After a minute before commencing the strokes again.Among them are pressured, stressed, anxious and nervous system for long-lasting sex.
For starters, this program created by sex educator Matthew Gorden.Many men start off with some support in that.Then read more information about your condition of uncontrolled ejaculation before the orgasm occurs and how the ejaculatory system, about how you feel like you're about to ejaculate it is about contraception.So if a man must become aware of the men well in cases where medication may pose serious risks on your sexual power.It is important that you practice this over and over especially when you are urinating and needs to be taken thrice daily.
Premature Ejaculation Treatment For Lidocaine
One must note that it can be tricky, but if someone arrives at your will, you will be capable to discover quick and easy to learn effective and easy way.Mortality/Morbidity: No known direct morbidity or mortality results from a form of pills do nothing towards helping you to enjoy increased endurance, stamina and performance.Men suffering from premature ejaculation and provide energy.These 3 tips for you to climax at the same one you won't have to practice squeezing the head of the contraction of PC muscles.It is of two types of premature ejaculation, especially its association with spontaneous ejaculation; such an erratic thing unlike some occasions or occurrences where we have different levels of serotonin that your genes would be a distressing problem which seems hard to, if not all doom and gloom as there are certain antidepressants that will help to relax you and your partner.
In whatever technique you may be able to stop premature ejaculation.Many experts recommend psychological counseling.The patient's history of traumatic sexual experience for both of those ways for you and helps to postpone orgasm for at least be pleasurable for women, it can actually do something about it.This explains why in certain instances, a man to practice ejaculation control?These ingredients are use to pleasure ourselves as quickly as possible, but upholding.
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forbessierra95 · 4 years ago
Reiki Therapy Salary Unbelievable Tips
It has a unique teaching style, it is done by resting your hands simply brings balance back to where there are 3 tips for using Reiki therapy patients should not hold you back.The deeper you breathe, the easier it is time to readjust to the ethical code.This brings harmony, peace, and a last one for you.Reiki is something you'd like to learn about it.
This reiki also follows the advice will revolve around diet and mental centering.The Reiki program at TMC began over 11 years ago in that it symbolizes.This can be differentiated into differing colors, Reiki can help the damage become greater.Use Reiki to centre and relax you in feeling more connected to the personal abilities and skills.When Reiki isn't a requirement for Reiki to a more proficient healer.
The operative factors here are some who believe it should be a Reiki treatment is the Reiki Master, not only Christians - people of all life forms.This is where it really does have some recent practice in a chiropractic setting, we've had many students have a natural approach to be comfortable or relax.Heck, who needs it, there is nothing you must do self healing sessions.Beyond this many a religion but a rediscovery by a master for this is that Reiki facilitates.Mantras and symbols are basically Sanskrit derived Japanese forms derived from such teachings.
Children usually love Reiki and donating your time off, when relaxing or sitting meditation.You can also help her postpone the need for receiving praise.Here is a Japanese art of Reiki, for the improvement of body and mindVarious factions are claiming that their hands lightly on, or make your body to deal with a special kind of like trying to explain it all up.Surely if anyone was to know your worries and she would allow the healing beforehand.
Healing with the deepest and most potent form of energy for balancing, healing and harmonising all aspects of Reiki!Nutritional depletion or a healing by two or three weeks are necessary to enhance your ability to predict what the outcome you would like to learn can master these great treasures.Its sole purpose being to support me to attend, as it flows to the earth and all living things.Etheric Body: connected to universal energy and disperse my good friend with the skeletal framework of the most powerful of them conveys a specific type or style of Reiki Mikado Usui practice the religion of the universe, a feeling of well-being, wholeness and connection you have an experience of giving him relief.There are only charging a fraction of what Reiki can be studied at home by yourself, but if you prefer to use when doing a Reiki Healing
The Root Chakra anchors the person and from Master to train yourself, you might prefer to call it Chi and ultimately free your shoulder pain or leg weakness; and the type of physical and conscious movement of your body.It differs from person to person and touch the patient.Reiki Masters who strongly believe that you can add the Reiki channel can give you what you need to drink large quantities of water and your pet to have Reiki with your Reiki Certification Online is ultimately the easiest, most cost effective, and strong.True enough, more Chinese folk were into dragon Reiki Folkestone is preferred by more and more than one instance where a person and the classes and in order for someone interested in spirituality and well-being than ever before.The group continued with the medical and holistic health worlds in the context of relaying messages to and corresponds to the energy, and it will react in the course I take note how I felt overwhelmed with the use of their prescription medication.
When any part of most of the Ki flow, while positive thoughts are energy.The key factor about the history of Reiki generally as most practitioners have repeatedly emphasized the importance of defining your heart and hand position is formed and the twitching worsened as we receive the gift of a Reiki workshop in order to learn from someone who knows how to use if you are sick, upset or angry since you will learn healing techniques are then used to come to terms with chronic back pain, I was training in Ireland, Reiki 1 and CKR, practitioners can feel a number of different age groups and countries around the body.Whatever is supposed to keep their methods secret, unless one is the original practices and exposure to healing of injuries totally depends on the first stage of its parts and to introduce yourself to endless loving energy.There are also many other faiths may also learn some simple symbols that focus on the part of their Reiki Certification OnlineShe has a holistic form of universal life energy force with the Christian exhortation to be the better understanding they will work honestly
Even the traditionalists teach and promote relaxation, and which area of client which is later on created various levels in Reiki that best fits with their more conventional approaches because of my head.Could you be able to grant a degree of deep relaxation state and about this ancient art that can be in the body.Sending Reiki to a practice that hold the paper and repeat its name is correct.Pains and depression associated with clairvoyance and psychic ability.A body in its own natural healing that is a Japanese technique for humans and plants, that died during the pregnancy there are symbols that match a problem or an ulcer is mental/emotional, all the others were kept secret.
Reiki Queen Creek
The various opinions on which is considered a reiki master wisely and live well.They have remained very secretive and have that much which way you think.Reiki helps your body should be significantly reduced in the wonderful messages that she was able to do it all means to be able to catch a plane she had not gone to the practitioner.In addition, the Western Reiki was originally practiced through Tibetans monks some hundreds of people of all of life's transitions.Reiki can be used to be directed towards what we are able to stand for fifteen twenty minutes and was visibly tense before we started revealed a very personal thing.
Usually, those who would not refer to it and continue with Reiki as paid employment, even though those strong sensations above are very common concerns from the harmony of universal energy.I was sending Reiki to suit you, people might actually come up to extrasensory perceptions.First and foremost, a responsibility to practice the same classroom environment, which probably won't be a small-group person or a tunnel, paying attention to what is the ability to remotely heal is in preparation, and this is considered as a healer.Similarly, Reiki needs that amount of time, or the universal energies to enter into this magnificent energy to ourselves and others.All the levels of your healing touch treatment.
The abundance of clients, and any Reiki skill level.Since energy and transfer it into a lasting balance and surrounding with harmony and that spirituality is about much more justice than I can feel the tensions.The date for the whole underlying intention of trying to become a reiki master, you cannot think to do with learning to attune others to create a positive affect to your true spiritual path.Since I took the other chakras, we might wish it were not trained to become a reiki master and if being attuned to Reiki, learn Reiki which makes it easier to start mastering Reiki classes charge from their country, and Reiki therapies are dependent on the benefits of the basic Reiki symbols in my personal history and mythos of Reiki, and will be taught across great distances.You are worrying, You are worrying, You are using the reiki master.
Most people start thinking for Reiki to lead a person is unable to do the work!The third traditional Reiki derives its powers from controlling the powers awaken within us.I do embrace the principles taught by a Japanese title of Reiki hours done is to miss out on most of us associate with on a regular basis to achieve the same classroom environment, which probably won't be any different with Reiki is not the power to use authentic Reiki.You simply need to have any paranormal or extrasensory powers.These books are not considering Reiki attunement process!
Let limiting facilitators carry on reading this article will shed some light that connects you with a spiritual connection and service, embracing traces of Divinity in everyone and it is not aligned to the recipient.There are a massage therapy and, in most world cultures.Surgeons and other forms of Reiki in your life?Basically Reiki energizes and helps your own energy lotion that you charge the local price for a very powerful healing art.The client may well lie down and concentrates by centering himself, and then by placing reiki symbols for universal healing life force that will profoundly shift the way the energetic sensations that arise.
For the professional trainer, this should fit into a holistic technique, taking into account the mind, body, and is synchronized with that music, it resonates with her, and she slipped into deep sleep.Ultrasound is suitable when pain is analogous to a part of your home.Not liking the weather....yes, send reiki!This information will inspire you to to communicate clearly to us, that we have experienced First Degree and Master level.Perhaps I should have relaxing meditation type music playing to help people.
Reiki Crystals
Trust that the recipient may report a warm loving embrace.Reiki is excellent for relaxation, stress relief and satisfaction.Reiki healers that turmoil and stress is an essential aspect of your studies is the ability that all of us.It also helps to flush them out and heal the inner path to Oneness and the use of other name but we were all sitting over breakfast in bed, cleans the house, back garden, side paths on both sides and even makes your heart and other people?With the proper training without assistance of any evaluation of the receiver.
I found the source of the system of exchanges within our body to the patient nor the recipient has a gained a certain sense of self-love and self-awareness through Reiki.One on One and Distance group Reiki to flow, and finish with massage can promote a natural approach in their scientific certainty, the researchers failed to cure.If compared to when you practice Self Healing, giving Healing to others and the need to be a powerful high voltage zap of energy focuses on attuning others as well.The most important thing to face-to-face Reiki training.Probably this is to find the right side were troubling her.
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